Thoughts on Reality


We often think of reality as what is going on around us

Many external things come into play affecting our life

But those physical interactions are not what is really going on

“In reality,” it is really what is going on within our soul


We struggle with the reality of who we are and what that means

Confronting our demons that emerge to haunt us is a constant struggle

Am I too tall, too short, too fat, too thin… what will others think of me

What we believe about ourselves is the reality we live in each day


What goes even deeper than that are the struggles of choice

Our addictions to food, alcohol, sex, applause, religion, and ideology

Soul conflicts are the real realty, not the work or politics, or even family

Our struggle is with who I am, what is my place, am I loved, am I loving


The struggle that Jesus talked about when addressing “Who is my Neighbor?”

Bring out the soul’s struggle with one’s self…  “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Not glib words // but basic reality… If not at peace with yourself…

You won’t be at peace with your neighbor either…


You are your own worst enemy!


These thoughts originated after reading Brandan’s post, Crafting the Deep Personal, on d’Verse. He shared a You Tube clip discussing Carl Jung’s, Redbook. In it he talks about what makes up reality. I found it most interesting and decided to share some thoughts that came to mind as I read and listened. I don’t usually end my poems on a negative note, but it often seems to be that way when we look inward.

Crafting The Deep Personal | Oran’s Well (

Posting this on the Tuesday d’Verse prompt.

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Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Creating a Sound of Music

Dwight and Richie playing homemade instruments.

One of my favorite things to do is play music with my friends. My longtime friend and his wife spent the day with us yesterday. I shared my homemade instruments with him. We sat down and used them to make music together. It was wonderful to get together again. We learned to play the guitar when we were living on the same floor of the college dorm. That was fifty-seven years ago!

Below are some pictures from a neck rebuild on the first DeWalt guitar I made back in 2020. The first neck was not done well, and I had trouble getting the intonation right on it. This time I used a half post from the Habitat Restore so that the fret board would lay perfectly flat. I carved out the shape on my table saw and sanded it smooth. I use a couple of strips of walnut that I glued together to make my fretboard.  A stick-on Piezo pick-up on the inside picks up the sound very well. The other instrument in the picture above was made a couple of years ago as a baritone ukulele.

If you would like to hear how they sound, go to my Instagram page that is posted under my name.

Good friends

and good music

stay with you forever


Photos: Dwight & Ruth Roth  click here to listen…

The Big Let-Down (prose)

My short story was accepted and included in the new Old Mountain Press Anthology that is now available on Amazon Kindle. You can read my story below.

The Big Let-Down

Dwight L. Roth

When I left teaching, I decided to start my own Home Repair Business. Not long after that, Hurricane Floyd roared through Eastern North Carolina dropping 12 inches of rain in a matter of hours.  Many homes flooded with four feet of water and others were in need of repair. This kept me and my two helpers busy for quite a while.

I got a call to replace a roof on a ranch style house nearby. Lowes delivered the materials, and we were ready to begin. As we took off the old shingles, it became obvious that some of the plywood on the roof needed replaced. I got the materials we needed and proceeded removing the damaged sheathing.

Rob, one of the guys who worked with me, had a mild learning disability, but he was good help on the job. As we proceeded to remove all the old nails and get the plywood cut to fit the space, Rob stood on the ceiling joists in the hole in the roof.

Without thinking, he stepped from the rafters to the ceiling between them. In a matter of seconds, the ceiling gave way and Rob was hanging on the ceiling joists by his armpits. Amazingly. he did not fall all the way through, because his feet landed on the kitchen table. The look on Rob’s face was priceless!

We went down and helped lower him into the Kitchen. Thankfully Rob was not hurt, but I had a kitchen ceiling to patch that I did not count on.

Waking up Nuts

IMG_3528 (1)

Back on February 2nd, I did a post about the project my brother-in-law is doing in Lancaster County Pennsylvania planting trees in the areas of the Chesapeake Watershed and Chesapeake Bay.

I sent him a coffee can full of hickory nuts found behind my house. He has kept them in cold storage and today I got this photo from him showing that they are beginning to sprout! He is taking them out along the waterways nearby and planting them.

It is great to be a part of this project with him. Happy Earthday 2024.

Nuts, hard to crack, break

New life starting in the dark

They know when it’s time


Nature’s amazing miracle!

Photo: Don Ziegler

On Monday the 22nd, Earth Day, Frank Tassone asked us to write a haibun for Earth Day. Since I had just done this one, that some of you have seen, I decided to repost it on d’Verse Poets Pub for the rest of you to enjoy. 

Join us at: 





What most seek, and especially we poets,

is that connection of spirit, lost with AI


We are not just voyeurs of another’s life

watching for exciting moments, unshared

Poets desire a soul connection with each other

that you can’t get just by scrolling and watching


Poets feel deeply in the visceral part of their being,

the heartbeat of the soul where truth lies… often hidden


Poetry evolves from that understanding most miss,

our need to share and be heard by others

who like us desire the same


Poets crave interaction that goes beyond

the trivial courtesies of social media’s

likes, loves, and silly emogic responses


We poets scatter words beyond our family

and loved ones, who bless us sympathetically

and assume that should be enough for our poetic egos


Connection is that amazing shot of adrenalin

that demands a continual pursuit of more… and more


So, we write, laying ourselves bare before the world

vulnerable… yet exhilarated… afraid… yet challenged


seeking inspiration that moves not only ourselves,

but touches the hearts of our readers as well.


Photo: Dwght L. Roth

Reading this for d’Verse Poets Pub’s live meeting this morning at 10:00 AM.

I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be a poet. This is another reflection on that theme.

Join us at: – to get the link to our live meeting.

March Madness… Spring Break or Breaking Records

Saws painted

In this part of world March brings a bit of madness both in the world of Basketball and in Spring Breakers headed to Southern beaches to let off steam and be crazy.

Women’s basketball made history when a basketball star from the Iowa Jayhawks team, *Caitlin Clark, broke all the existing shooting records (both men and women) in scoring this season.

Meanwhile Miami Police Dept. placed strong restrictions on Spring breakers this year after past years of wild and crazy behavior.

Sap is rising fast

College students celebrate

Spring Break Madness

Saw Paintings: Dwight L. Roth

*Read about Caitlin Clark here:|1

Ode to Childhood


Oh, for the days when I was running free

Barefoot all summer along the stream

Catching tadpoles and climbing trees

Back when I was young and green


Not a care in the world I ran with the breeze

Green poison ivy nipping at my heals

Only to scratch clear up to my knees

Rubbing calamine lotion to help it heal


When I was ten and he was nine

We played all summer long

In a woods full of sunken coal mines

A place where young boys belonged


But those days of wonder are now just dreams

Remembering when I was young and green


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting for Dora’s d’Verse prompt of young and green, referring to our childhood years.

Join us at:

Shade Tree Mechanic


Oil seeping slowly, sending smells

Burning hot on exhaust pipe, inhaling fumes

Valve cover seals compromised, hot tears crying

Pay the mechanic or put up with the smell, a pricy fix

Do it myself dare to take it on, or dumb idea

Up for the challenge taking a chance, my choice

You Tube mechanic tells what to do, in twelve minutes

Parts from Amazon placed at my door, paid for on line

Beautiful day to begin my work, as bolts come out

Valve cover off valves slick oily, very smooth fix

Seventeen-year-old gasket stuck tight in groove, picked out with a gouge

Twelve minutes turned to five hours, taking my time

Pieces of the puzzle put back together, purrs like a kitten


Click photo to enlarge:

Form poetry today at d’Verse. Bjorn asked us to write an alliterative poem. I decided to write about my 07 Tacoma truck repair project I did this week. It is amazing what you can learn from You Tube! The lines started coming to me as I was coming awake this morning.

Join us at:

Honored to be included in  this group of poets:

Pinches of Inspiration


All it takes is

a pinch to tweak


soft and sweet


Or maybe one

pinch of fiery

words misspoken

out of place


Pinches of bold

yet cutting truth

Fire my word storms



Like cream clouds in my coffee**

Pinches of inspiration floating


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, De asked us to use the word pinch as our Quadrille prompt. I liked Bjorn’s poem and his idea of using dimeter to write a 44-word Quadrille Sonnet. I thought I would play with a variation of that in my poem.

Join us at:

** Thanks to memories of Joni Mithchel’s song “You’re so Vain”

Painted Sky over Tucson (4 haiku)


My friend, Jim, who winters in Tucson, Arizona sent me these beautiful photos of the winter sky in all its glory. I asked if I could use them in my blog, and he graciously agreed. The top photo shows the sky over the Santa Catalina Mountains as the big weather front that came across the US this week moves in. The lower photos came after it had passed through.

Arizona sky

Nature’s canvas glowing red

Winter’s soft paintbrush


Mountains dance orange

Reflecting evening sunlight

Desert shadows form


Desert birds cuddle

Sunlight slowly disappears

Winter’s cold sets in


Pot of Gold slipping

 Closing its color palette

Another day ends

Photos: Jim Kanagy