Pinches of Inspiration


All it takes is

a pinch to tweak


soft and sweet


Or maybe one

pinch of fiery

words misspoken

out of place


Pinches of bold

yet cutting truth

Fire my word storms



Like cream clouds in my coffee**

Pinches of inspiration floating


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, De asked us to use the word pinch as our Quadrille prompt. I liked Bjorn’s poem and his idea of using dimeter to write a 44-word Quadrille Sonnet. I thought I would play with a variation of that in my poem.

Join us at:

** Thanks to memories of Joni Mithchel’s song “You’re so Vain”

67 thoughts on “Pinches of Inspiration

  1. I think we all appreciate those pinches of inspiration, Dwight, and it was a great idea to pinch Bjorn’s idea of using dimeter. I like the way you played with the words ‘pinch’ and ‘tweak’, and the final couplet is stunning; ‘clouds in my coffee’ made me think of ‘You’re So Vain’ by Carly Simon, which she said are the confusing aspects of life and love.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Some luscious images in this quadrille my friend! I was especially taken with the clouds in your coffee … yes!

    Yet the stanza that may well launch me into releasing another episode of ‘writing our way whole at home’ (WoWWaH) is likely to be this:

    “Pinches of bold

    yet cutting truth

    Fire my word storms


    especially since Storm Jocelynis about to make landfall here in UK

    (This is named for Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell, who first discovered pulsars when she was a research student at New Hall, Cambridge (where I studied biology a few years later). Good stuff!

    thank you Dwight for this morning’s inspiration!

    Liked by 2 people

      • She is (still livin!g), and an excellent teacher. I heard her explaining radio pulsars “for the laay-person” at a public lecture, part of an Open Day at the HQ of The Open University at Milton Keynes, UK. She had us whirling around bits of paper and string, as I remember, learning for ourselves about the effect of pulsing waves on a distant observer.

        That I can’t remember the details is down to my receding brain, not to her animated skill as an engaging speaker! Totally accessible and inspiring, like the best to teachers, you included!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Pinches of Inspiration – QuietMomentsWithGod

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