Shade Tree Mechanic


Oil seeping slowly, sending smells

Burning hot on exhaust pipe, inhaling fumes

Valve cover seals compromised, hot tears crying

Pay the mechanic or put up with the smell, a pricy fix

Do it myself dare to take it on, or dumb idea

Up for the challenge taking a chance, my choice

You Tube mechanic tells what to do, in twelve minutes

Parts from Amazon placed at my door, paid for on line

Beautiful day to begin my work, as bolts come out

Valve cover off valves slick oily, very smooth fix

Seventeen-year-old gasket stuck tight in groove, picked out with a gouge

Twelve minutes turned to five hours, taking my time

Pieces of the puzzle put back together, purrs like a kitten


Click photo to enlarge:

Form poetry today at d’Verse. Bjorn asked us to write an alliterative poem. I decided to write about my 07 Tacoma truck repair project I did this week. It is amazing what you can learn from You Tube! The lines started coming to me as I was coming awake this morning.

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Honored to be included in  this group of poets:

51 thoughts on “Shade Tree Mechanic

  1. That’s the way to do it for you DIY fixers like my husband too, who’s fixed car/appliance with research & parts on the internet or autostore and YouTube mechanics! Loved the way you face the challenge with humor (“Do it myself dare to take it on, or dumb idea”) through the poem and ended up with an engine that “purrs like a kitten.” I had to laugh at “Twelve minutes turned to five hours” — sounded so familiar! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha ha… Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Dora. If it had not worked out the dumb idea would have bit me for sure!! I changed the spark plugs also, at 83,000 miles, while I had it opened up! That helped the purr! I love that your husband does the same! Famous last words….”This won’t take long!”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a compelling story and a happy ending, Dwight! I was so carried along by the rhythm of it all that I didn’t notice till the end that it was the dVerse alliterative challenge! You are a natural poet of Germanics as well as an enterprising, purr-inducing mechanic!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha ha…. thank you so much for your comments. I am glad you liked the poem and the flow of it all. This is my first try for alliterative poetry. I do enjoy seeing what I can do and trying new projects. I appreciate your kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the desription, and yes it can be done (I have repaired my bicycle from youtube) but it takes courage, and when it’s done what a great sense of satisfaction it must be….
    (with modern cars you cannot do anything without updating the software)
    You did so well with the alliteration, thank you for joining.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad you enjoyed this one, Bjorn. Thank you for your kind affirmations. It is a feeling of trepidation at first, but with the help of You Tube I felt I could do it and I did. It is very satisfying to accomplish.


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