Opinion and Truth

A statue of the blindfolded lady justice in front of the United States Supreme Court building as the sun rises in the distance symbolizing the dawning of a new era. – Getty Image

In today’s divided society, with cameras everywhere, no one wants to wait for the system to do its job. We all have our opinions about what we are fed on the News Media. Some believe everything and others believe none of it. Protests and riots occur immediately when incidents happen. When we are given only half of the truth, we tend to accept it as the whole truth. This divides us even more. When opinion becomes truth we are all in trouble.

Social media

Everyone judge and jury

Public Opinion

Tantrums thrown stores up in flames

Not everyone gets their way

Today at d’Verse, Grace asked us to write a protest poem. She emphasized that words and poetry are powerful tool that can help bring about change in our world. I struggle with all division and misinformation that comes across social media. The tragic deaths of black men and women, as well as police officers, and children killed in crossfire disturbs me greatly. Somehow we need to learn to listen to each other and co-operate together to make everyone’s life better. I have written my poem in the Tanka format!

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

50 thoughts on “Opinion and Truth

  1. Isn’t this a sad and dreadful situation? I believe that people should not be quick to pass judgement when we don’t have all the information. One way to read the news is to get to sources that are unbiased and provide different varying opinions. This way you are expose to different viewpoints, and can arrive at your own conclusion. Thanks for sharing and hope that the bright light of Truth and Justice will prevail in the end.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Well said, Dwight. There will always be people who crave power that use that old tactic of “divide and conquer.” I too struggle with the misinformation in the media. There aren’t any journalists anymore, just activists. I’m hopeful people are waking up to that.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, I am amazed how quick they are to make judgement on what they are reporting on instead of just giving us the news and letting us decide whether we believe it or not. I mentioned this very thing to my wife this evening.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s sad but true. We jump to the conclusions with only the little amount of information that’s procured. And this is further deteriorated by misinformation circulating in social media.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Right on! This is powerful and timely truth, Dwight!
    We live in a culture that jumps to judgement before they know the truth or facts. 😦
    And the falsehoods spread so quickly on social media. 😦
    Remember the day when journalists, newscasters, people in authority, etc., reported the truth…they didn’t have to add opinions or judgments or name-calling, etc., or be fueled by their emotions.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s so important that utilize our own critical thinking with regards todays happenings. I stay away from on-line social media but try to watch the news with a critical eye. You’re right – wish the news was unbiased.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The media simply can’t be trusted anymore! There is such unabashed spread of misinformation and chaos at the hands of so called journalists. Evocative write, Dwight! 💝

    Liked by 1 person

  7. kaykuala

    Tantrums thrown stores up in flames
    Not everyone gets their way

    In whatever situations there’ll always be dissenting views and more often than not many are left out in the cold. A true observation, Dwight!


    Liked by 2 people

  8. Pingback: Opinion and Truth – zsyed272

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