Finding Common Ground

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The death of Congressman John Lewis, bring a reflection of the intense turmoil  he lived through during the Civil Rights era. The struggle for respect and equality still goes on sixty years later.  As I look at the division that still remains, I realize it will not be resolved  without God’s love changing our hearts allowing us to live together in peace.

Some views are shotguns blasting away

Others sling shots pelting against the gate.

Let’s have a conversation they say…

Come together // find common ground

Solve our differences together.


How does that happen with shotgun politics

and sling shot twitter, that couldn’t hit a brick wall.

When our view is the only right view,

Each conversation become one of persuasion or condemnation…

A ticket to ride our train non stop to our destination.


Legislated change without heart change, brings little hope.

History keeps repeating with every rotation.

Change comes with give and take // listening and hearing

Appreciating uniqueness // instead of condemning it.


Only a revolution of the heart will bring peace from division.

Perhaps, “love your neighbor as yourself”

are words that could make our world a better place…

Opening the door to finding common ground…

Bringing the “Hope and Change” we really need.

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Here is a favorite song from the Folk era by the Youngbloods called Let’s Get Together

Perhaps what is missing in this generation is the truth in Folk Music… Music that brought people together!

36 thoughts on “Finding Common Ground

  1. I believe leadership is a huge factor in attitudes. If leaders are racist or misogynistic or sexist, they embolden the extremists and haters out there to commit hate crimes. If they are examples of tolerance and virtue, maybe that will be contagious too. Dwight, thank you for a meaningful and insightful post.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Let’s just love one another. Be the change you wish to see. Start by writing beautiful poetry that explains your stance – and then “Walk the Talk” – – – that’s my 2020 New Year’s Resolution. It’s 2020 – a year for us to sharpen our 20/20 vision and see one another through our Jesus lenses!! This is a beautiful post, Dwight. Thank you for it. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’ve always said, “How can you teach people to care?” It seems we have to not only be born into a loving family but also have a strong sense of justice in our personality in order for ethical behavior to be the norm. That image with the sculpture is lovely! May I ask where you found it?

    Liked by 2 people

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