Celebrating Hope (Easter Sunday)

Chris's family Easter 2010 016

Celebrating Hope

we gather believing

life is more

than just this molded

clay shell we all live in


Watching the sunrise

we live, believing

that by grace we too will rise

beyond this physical

life of decay

into eternal transformation

spiritual oneness

with God,

our creator,

Our Risen Lord!


Photo: Dwight L. Roth


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We gathered in the ICU waiting room

late into the evening like a slumber party

no one wanted to attend

Hoping the heart doctor would be

the bearer of good news

Wide awake hushed voices became silent

as the doctor came through the door


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Punam gave us a slumber prompt for our Monday Quadrille.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Expectations or Anticipation 2024


Entering the new year with great expectations

Yet knowing they are fragile shimmering bubbles

Blown from our minds… floating in front of our eyes

Some large… some small… rainbow colors of hope

One by one they pop leaving tears of residue

dripping on our well laid plans


All expectations should come with a disclaimer

reminding us that our perceptions cannot be projected

making others conform to our wishes

Circumstances, values, and baggage all come into play

often leaving our expectations shuffled like a deck of cards

Losing the magic when we cannot find the Ace of Hearts


Perhaps we should enter the new year with anticipation

looking forward to the positive things that will happen

Living with expectation, but knowing our thinking may

need to be adjusted and reconsidered as each day

Plans can change at a moment’s notice as we live

and work through this experience we call life

Anticipate that everything can be worked out

with a little work and in due time


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Pine Needles Dancing

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Pine needles’ glow reflects the October sunshine

Waltzing to the rhythm of a soft afternoon breeze

Old needles shedding // retaining the new

Through long winter’s cold and intense summer’s heat

Always radiant with hope for the future

Knowning the loss will always be replaced

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse De gave us the Quadrille prompt Pine.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

A Bud of Hope for the New Year

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At the base of each drying leaf

Is a bud full of life and potential

Waiting patiently for summer’s heat

Or winter’s cold to pass

Knowing Spring will bring renewal



Behind all that crushes you

Makes you feel devastated

Hopeless and distraught

Lies a bud of strength and potential

The creator’s promised hope

Waiting for you to recognize

That your spring has arrived

Once more

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Carol Anne commented on this post from my archives, and I thought it would be a great one as we look forward to the new year!

I took the photos this morning in my yard.

Lighting a Fire… or Putting it Out


Today, I painted two watercolors that are memories from our trip we took a few weeks ago. The first one is a little red fireplug that was by the sidewalk as we strolled leisurely along, and the other is the Little Stone Church on Mackinac Island. At the time, I did not see any parallel between them, but the more I thought about it the more it stimulated my imagination. So, this poem is about opposites and similarities.

Little red fireplug waiting alone

for the time when its purpose will be fulfilled

A time of connection when the water inside

can flow forth with such force

that it will put out a fire

saving a building from physical destruction


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The Little Stone Chapel sits high on the hill

standing out in the morning sunshine

waiting for a time when its purpose can be fulfilled

An inviting place where all are welcomed

to hear the good news of faith and hope

A time of heavenly connection

that when accepted by faith can light a fire

in one’s soul

saving them from spiritual destruction


Watercolor Paintings: Dwight L. Roth


Sharing this on d’Verse Poets Pub open link night

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com



We are of One Blood

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When self-preservation

at all cost

overrides our understanding

of humanity,

Ideologies arise

blinding us to the truth

that we are all of

One Blood

that pumps

through our veins


with you or me

regardless of color

race or ethnicity,

Life-saving blood


that we are all one

in the midst of

our diversity,

but not exclusive

in value

or superior in


We are humanity

created in the image

of our creator

Spiritual channels

of light

in the darkness

We are hope and comfort…

not death and destruction.


My sad condolences to the people of Buffalo whose family members were attacked and killed yesterday by a raving lunatic who thought his humanity was greater in value than the lives of others who were different from him.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

The Heartbeat of Peace

Vika Art

Hope is a songbird

where fairies and young children

find refuge from war…

Clutching onto her feathers

to feel the heartbeat of peace


Today at d’Verse, Mish introduced us to Vike Muse, an artist from the Ukraine who shares her artwork on Instagram @get.muse . She creates beautiful fantasy art with positive themes to share her hope for a better day when this diabolical war has ended. Mish gave us several of her pieces to choose from. We were to pick one that inspires us and write a poem of any style about it. I wrote a Tanka.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Shadows of Sadness

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Spring sun shines brightly

Skies blue and cottony over head

Yet, shadows of sadness surround me


Life’s journey brought me here

Overcoming through ups and downs

Yet, shadows of sadness surround me


So quickly our good life gets disrupted

Many hide as tanks roll and bombs explode

As shadows of sadness surround them


As men take a stand and mothers flee

Innocent people die daily from blind destruction

And, shadows of sadness surround me


Power corrupts and divides us

Greed and Evil are Siamese twins

Yet, hope rises in the sadness that surrounds us


People with hope believe in their cause

Willing to die rather than loose their freedom

And, hope for their children empowers them…


In spite of the sad shadows that surround us all


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

I am sharing this tonight on the d’Verse poets open link night.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Waiting to Come Out

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As I have shared earlier, I am trying to keep my hibiscus plants over the winter. They are not fans of cold weather, especially the freezing kind. I dug them up and put them in a plastic pot and set them in my garage. On warmer days I set them outside for some sunlight.

It put out its last beautiful bloom over New Years. Soon after, two buds appeared. Though I have watered it and set it in the sunlight, the buds would not open. The last couple of days were up to 60 F and this evening, when I put it back in to garage, I saw the buds were starting to open a little. 

It reminded me of how we have reacted to Covid-19. Some came out right away, while others have come out very cautiously. A little reprieve does not mean it won’t return again. Hopefully we all will open up and bloom again as circumstances get better!

Coming out scares us

Becoming obsessed with masks

Hiding our sweet smiles

Photo: Dwight L. Roth