
Mountains majestic / rising tall above us all

Solid and strong they stand immovable.

Until shaken, they crumble and tumble;

their strength broken and their high position

brought low, scattered across the landscape.

You see, mountains are simply rocks waiting to crumble…

Even the tallest mountains turn to sand in time.

Sand is the great equalizer!

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

36 thoughts on “Sand

  1. “Mountains crumble into sand.” Interestingly, as I read your poem, a song came to mind. “Baby, I’m yours…until the mountains crumble into the sea.” by Barbara Lewis. Inexplicably, some loyalties last a very long time…until the mountains crumble into the sea.

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  2. Your poem reminds me of when New Hampshire’s iconic Old Man of the Mountain fell off the mountain in 2003. One day he was up there attracting tourists, the next he was a pile of rubble. The message there being that various groups worked tirelessly over the years trying to keep him on the mountain with all manner of cables, but in the end, nature won.

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  3. This is so beautifully said with such a nice sentence of “sand being the great equalizer’ Dwight!!!
    Somehow when I drive through them my feelings don’t match the respite of your poem.. especially living in California. 🤣🤗

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  4. So true! And beautifully expressed!
    I am in awe of mountains…they make me feel so grateful to be a small part of all of the grandeur and beauty! Like everything in nature we have a journey and one day we will pass on.
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

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