Carolina Blue Sky

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Blue sky embedded on flat rocks

Mountain stream gurgles over

wet stones

polished and shaped

during ten thousand summers and winters.


Native Americans sat on these rocks

drank from the stream

enjoyed the beauty of the falls

long before we arrived…

to claim it!

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Today the d’Verse group is back from summer break, and our prompt is Blue!  We are to write a Quadrille of  exactly 44 words using the prompt. Skies have be extra blue this summer, as pollution and smog are reduced due to Covid-19 stay at home orders. There is nothing more beautiful than the Great Smoky Mountains. The photos above are from our trip to the Pisgah National Forest in 2012. This is Looking Glass Falls near Brevard!

Join us at:


Unmovable Rock

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Spring is all around us, spreading pollen as leaves and flowers flourish. The joy of springtime is not inhibited by human crisis! Rocks remind us that what is solid is unmoved. As we lift prayers and hope for those working on the front lines of the Coronavirus, we must remember that the words on our coins are not just a nice saying, but rather the solid rock of our faith… In God We Trust!

Beauty rises high

above all // glorious Spring

Rocks remain solid


Photo: Dwight L. Roth



Her Perspective

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How big the world must look to one so young
With all its overflowing challenges;
A chasm most daunting // stretched and far flung;
It spreads in all directions and ranges.
From your high safe perch on that giant rock,
You might feel secure // a place to call home;
But, you know in the future you will walk
Across that river of life all alone.
How big the world seems sitting on a rock

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

This evening is open link night at d’Verse. Join us at:

Plastic Earth

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“Where were you when the earth was plastic?” This is what God asked Job, in answer to Job’s complaint about his woes and sorrow. Obviously this is more of a paraphrase than a quote. I love to think about the time when the earth was in its formative years. The beauty of geological time is written in the rock layers all around us. I can’t imagine the tremendous forces that lifted and bent these rocks. Once mud on the ocean floor, these rocks are now part of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Fossils tell of a very different time. I have broken open rocks and found perfect fossils in them. I have cracked geodes open to find amethyst crystals that grew as lava cooled millions of years ago. So when you complain about your situations in life, I ask, “Where were you when the earth was plastic?”

Read writing in rocks

Recognize we are but dust

Gives life perspective


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Photos: Dwight L. Roth – taken at the Linville Falls in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina

I am posting this for open link night on d’Verse Poets Pub.

Join us at:




Red Maple seed floats merrily on wings;
hoping to find a place from which to rise.
Landing between the crack of a rock;
with little soil, and almost no chance of survival;
it puts down a root;
forever changing the future of that rock!


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Quadrille Monday, and Merril, at d’Verse, asked us to use some form of the word rise. I decided to put a little different Spring twist to it and came up with this Quadrille of exactly 44 words.

Join us at:

Small Beginnings


Meandering through life we encounter rocks

Stacked in our path  holding us back

Cascading over and around them we roll on


Rocks in our path are a natural occurrence

Nothing holds back the cascading flow

Every river eventually hits a fault line


A major shift in our perceived foundation

Sends us cascading over the edge

Each time forcing a change in flow


Nothing stops the flow…

The cycle continues


Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Amaya at d’Verse asked us to write a poem using the word cascade. In my poem I am using a river as a metaphor for life and relationships.

Come Join us at:


Athabasca Falls


When our boys were young, we made a number of trips to the Canadian Rockies and the surrounding areas. One of our stops was at Athabasca Falls. It was a beautiful spot. I took a slide photo of the falls, and when I got home sent it off to get made into a poster. It hung on our upstairs landing until we moved from that house to our present home. It was rather faded but that time but held a lot of sentimental value. I decided to see if I could paint the photo. This was the beginning of my renewed interest in painting. It is now preserved for a lasting memory.

Whitewater roaring
Rocks refuse to wear away
Athabasca Falls

The little fir tree growing in the rocks survived its precarious location. Several years later we visited the falls a second time and it appeared to be about six feet tall!

Painting of Athabasca Falls: Dwight L. Roth

Living Among the Stones


We Live Among the Stones  

We live among the stones

Some rounded and smooth

Others sharp and jagged

Stones fresh and raw from upheaval

Laid bare by heat and pressure

Scorched and Broken

Stone surrounding the fossils of life

Embedded ancient remains

Relationships yet to be excavated


Stones in the river of life

Hard yet rounded smooth

Shaped by the flow of life

Stones cut and shaped to perfection

Stacked and fitted with keystone and arch


Support and strength for all above

Stones of beauty shaped with loving hands

Smoothed and polished

Exquisite beauty stately and cold

Stones of hurt hurled to harm

Smashing killing with devastating force

Leaving only piles of rubble behind

Stones of moraine crushed under ice

Laid bare by the receding foot

Cold snow pack fading fast in the sunlight

Precious stones forged with extreme heat

Pressures that forever change…

Leaving a greater metamorphic glory


Stones of love left in sweet memory

Of loved ones gone // lying among the stones

Now only names carved in stone


We are all precious stones

Jewels in our creator’s crown

Reflecting love and grace


Photos: Dwight L. Roth

For d’Verse open link night we can post any poem of our choosing. I chose this one because it describes how we live among so many and diverse peoples of the world. It also has personal connotations that apply to us as individuals as well.

Come join us at de’Verse:

Here is another post on rocks from a spiritual perspective by fellow blogger David Alleman at Compost and Grace.

My Own Piece of Clay


One of my favorite Marvin Gay songs is My Own Piece of Clay . I decided to write my own spin off of this song.  I observe that couples and spouses , often  try to shape the other person into their idea of what we want them to be.  When one person is rock and the other is clay, the clay ends up getting crushed. I believe individuals in relationship should be like two rocks in the tumbler, knocking off the edges of each one polishing each other into gems of beauty!

From the day we are born

our crying screams

change everyone’s lives

shape everyone’s dreams

demanding care

for our wants and needs


Life is a struggle

between two lumps of clay

shaping each other

in their own way

shaping them

into their own image


What a shock to find

how fragilely they slip

crumbling creations

held tightly in our grip


by selfish lack of understanding


Clay just won’t cut it

it has no strength

once hard

it won’t stay for any length

Fragile Egos


like dust in the grinder



hard rocks in a tumbler

rolling and tossing

against one another

bumping and grinding

smoothing and shaping

letting the chips fall



after a lifetime of interaction

the gems we have become

hold our attraction

full of beauty

our own true shining colors


for the crown

of our creator


Photo: Dwight L. Roth