Chains of Love

Love is not simply an act we do in a time of passion

It is more of a chain that links us with each new encounter

A place where joy and sorrow meet, held together tightly

by the chain of events that we call life.


Some chains are linked with large links full of strength

while others are fragile and can be easily broken

Some are linked with refined finesse that binds us together

like a beautiful herringbone neckless laying on her neck


Love is about a connection between our two souls

Held together by an unexplainable bond that weaves itself

into every part of who we are and what we will become

Not choking like a lymphoma, rather a loose connection


Love embodies flexibility that allows one to breathe deeply

inhaling the beauty of who we are together in each of life’s links


The Climb part II (segments 2 & 3)

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Jim paused mid-sentence, his mind leaving Narnia behind. Georges words stirred a sense of excitement in him, as he thought back to the winter two years ago when his friend George was trapped in a cave while hunting his last big buck.

I checked with Patrick, and he said it would be alright for you to go with me. We’ll take old Blue along as well.”

Blue was jumping up on the bottom rung of the ladder barking up a storm.

Jim had not been up to the cave and had only heard George telling him about it.

He stuck his head out of the treehouse window and gave George a big smile.

Sounds like a great idea to me. I need a break from reading all my books and I would love to hike up to the cave!”

George felt a surge of excitement knowing he would get to spend the day in the woods with Jim. It also brought back some strong feelings about is ordeal on the mountain.

I will stop by your house in the morning around 8:00. It should be a beautiful day in the mountains.”

Okay,” said Jim, “as he shifted his mind back to Narnia.”


It was the end of June, and Jim was enjoying the carefree days of summer. His teacher at Windy Gap Middle School had introduced him to C.S.Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles. Since school was out, he could not put the book down. He hoped to read the whole series by summer’s end.

George was his dear friend, who unknowingly to Jim, was now being replaced by adolescent interests. Even so, he still enjoyed his time with him and Old Blue. Their hike up to the cave would be a great time to reconnect.

Jim rolled out of bed at 7:00 AM and went to the kitchen to pack a lunch for the hike. His mom greeted him warmly and helped him get two ham sandwiches, an apple, a granola bar, and two Hershey bars. He filled his boy scout canteen with water.

Patrick reminded him to take along his Leatherman multi-tool.

You never know when you might need it.”

At 8:00, Jim heard Old George’s truck come rumbling down the gravel lane. He was out on the front porch before the truck even reached the gate. As the truck stopped, Jim hopped up onto the seat next to George and Old Blue. Blue barked a friendly welcome.

Good morning, Jim,” greeted George, “looks like a beautiful day for a hike,”

Good morning, George. It sure does,” Jim said, as he reached over and scratched Old Blue behind the ears. Old Blue edged closer and laid his head up on Jim’s leg.

Jim waved out the window as the old truck started down the lane.


Note:  I decided to revisit my story of The Climb and have Old George and Jim go back up to the cave where George was trapped in a snowstorm while hunting. I will be doing several segments each day.

Connected or Disconnected

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Today I was feeling disconnected, so I thought I would write my feelings about it. My good friend Bob, moved back to New York, in 2018, to be closer to his family. He loved to talk and came by often when I was painting in my garage. He would sit and talk as we would solve the world’s problems while I painted.  Since he moved, I have not found anyone like him to connect with and it has been a lonely time for me. I am most grateful for all my wonderful blogger friends, but it is not quite the same.  

Feelings run deep

through the labyrinths of my mind

expressed in many subtle ways

as time moves on.

Emotions flow

like calm bayou waters…

over many tangled roots.

Finding connection with people

becomes a disillusioning task

in this age

of three-second attention spans

and busy schedules.

Friends who will take time

to sit and listen

are hard to come by.

Most acquaintances

are ‘hi and bye’ friends

with few shared interests.

Even family

is hard to connect with

amid work and school activities…

A smile and a hug

a shared meal or visit

between smart phone checks…

all on the run it seems.

Perhaps my interests

are just that…

my interests

while others have moved on.

Does anyone really care

what happens

how it happens

or what I think?

In our crowded

disconnected world

we live in seconds

not hours.

Who sits

and talks for an hour,

let alone minutes any more?

Perhaps we need more

front porch swings to sit on

with neighbors

who know each other…

people whom we can share

long conversations with

about the meaning

of life, love, and happiness.


we should spend real time

with our loved ones now

before it is too late.


Photo: Dwight L. Roth



All creatures great and small need connections

Birds seek each other’s company

finding joy and strength together

People too need connections to thrive

This past year has been a challenge

struggling to find new ways to connect

that won’t make us sick or kill us


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Merril asked us to think about this pass year and write a poem about connections. All through this Covid-19 time the birds have stayed connected, while we all have stayed apart. We really miss our connections.

Join us at:

An Unbelievable Gift

Sharing poetry

Friendships all over the world

6000 follows

Who would believe this number

Four years ago

Some of these are also on Kindle

Thank you to all of you who have become my friend over the past four and a half years. It has been an amazing journey sharing and reading your poetry and posts. I never dreamed when I started this blog that I would get even 100 followers, let alone over 6000! You all are a gift to me and I am humbled that you take time to read my poetry! It has been such a pleasure getting to know many of you in a more personal way through this blog!

I must add a note of thanks to my dear Poet friend Kym Gordon Moore ( ) for encouraging me to start this blog. If she had not urged me more than once, I would never have considered such a thing as blogging!

Thank you,


Thank You!

5000 followers logo

This week I passed 5000 followers on Word Press. Seems like an impossible dream for me. I thought it was really something when I reached a hundred followers. Then it was three, then five and now five thousand followers!
I am most grateful to all of you for your friendship, inspiration, and kind support. I learned to know so many people from all over the world who appreciate poetry and enjoy my photos and art work. You have been most generous with your likes and comments.

Here are a few thoughts on creating a successful blog:
* Write your blog because it makes you feel good.
* Be authentic in your writing… share your life and imaginations.
* Colorful photos are a great eye-catcher and compliment your work.
* Don’t try to imitate or copy someone else’s style of writing.
* Keep posts short and crisp. Say what you say and stop!
* Present a variety of subjects that are unique and interesting.
* Join a group of bloggers who enjoy what you do.
*Most importantly practice networking:
-Put likes, comments, and follows on other people’s blogs.
-Always respond when someone takes time to comment on
your work. Thank yous are important!
-Develop personal life interactions with some of your bloggers.
-Plan to spend a lot of time each day on your blog.
*As followers, increase you won’t be able to read everyone’s blog who follows you, but it is important to check in with them from time to time.
Have fun and see the world through others! Thank you for being a part of my life!

P.S. … and I am still using the Free Word Press Blog!


The Connection Never Ends

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As family members get older and need more care, the importance of staying connected is vital. Visiting from time to time lets them know you are concerned for their well-being . Those who show their love and care are a lasting connection. People who make that extra effort are always greatly appreciated. We all remember when family and friends are there for us in our difficult times of life.

When you are there in time of need
showing compassion by what you do;
Your connection never ends
When you reach out to lend a hand
To one who struggles through each day;
Your connection never ends
When you show God’s love in time of grief
Just  giving a caring hug brings relief;
Your connection never ends
It is not what you say but who you are
Sharing yourself // expressing your love
That connection never ends

Photo: Dwight L. Roth


Waiting for Mist to Rise

EER_0696 (3).JPGBeyond the mist the sun is smiling
Waiting for it to lift
The cool damp blanket of morning dew
Hanging on every stick
The flowers drink in the fluid of life
Standing shiny and slick
Lifting their petals in thanks to God
For the refreshing drink he gives
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When the fog sets in and clouds your view
Accept it with gratitude
Consider it a time of healing
Waiting for the sun to burst through
In those inner moments as things close in
Our view seems not quite so clear
Let faith grow strong // cement your bond
Know the sun will shine through


Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Peace of Mind

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“What brings you peace of mind and cleanses your spirit?” This was our question for the d’Verse Poets Pub poetics this evening. For me it is not just one particular thing. I love sitting under the trees and watching nature hum all around me. Music soothes my soul, both listening and playing music on my guitar with others. I love going to the Nursing Home each week where I read stories and play music and sing with them. I always come away renewed! But, I have found that posting on my blog each day brings me the most peace of mind. If I have been busy all day, all that mind clutter goes away when I sit in my chair and begin writing a poem and finding a photo or two that I can add to it. Sometimes it is the other way around. If I have no particular inspiration, I look through my photo files and am always able to find inspiration. Connecting with all of you is most rewarding. It is not so much the likes on my posts, but the comments and personal interactions that make what I do here worthwhile. So, for that I say thank you for your support and encouragement.

Sharing thoughts with you
Connecting with such great friends
Brings joy to my soul

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Join us at:



Connections (4-Haikus)


National Handholding Day

Handholding day ends
I take my first steps // myself
Fall celebration

Handholding today
Touching her makes me tingle
Spring sap’s rising fast

Holding hands with you
Walking down the aisle // smiling
Summer flowers bloom

Holding hands with Mom
Winter’s chill // wrinkled hands cold
Sad to let her go


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today is National Hand Holding Day. Lillian at de’verse asked us to write poetry that celebrates one of several events on this date. I chose Hand Holding Day because of the connection the touch of hands represents. There are so many ways holding hands communicates feelings from one to another.

Come join us at d’Verse: