
Christmas 2023

One year ago, another year slipped by

As the scales showed me creeping // I was about to cry

Another set of zeros was trying to slide by


I remained in denial // it was never the time

It wasn’t that bad a few pounds were fine

Until the scales reached another 99


Getting bulky, my clothes were tight

Getting up when down was a difficult fight

Looking in the mirror was a scary sight


Realization hit me like a ton of bricks

I refused to continue on this humpty-dumpty flip

It would take work, but I had to get a grip


Giving up bread and pizza about made me cry

But the starches and butter would have brought my demise

So, I cut back on volume and tried to eat light


Amazingly, pounds slowly began to drop

In time my belt tightened // up to the third notch

First ten, then twenty, and my clothes became baggy


Today, when I watched the scale dial spin round

It showed that I lost a good twenty-five pounds

Now I feel better, I can get up off the ground


I am proud of my accomplishment, without any gain

It went on a little by little // is coming off the same

Saturday is my birthday // And now I ‘m not ashamed


Today at d’Verse, Punam asked us to write a Selfie Poem, about some aspect of ourselves. I was going to wait till Saturday to write this by since this came up I decided to go ahead and share my weight loss journey.

Last year a couple of things came together to bring this about. As you read in the poem, my weight was getting out of control. Cindy G. asked me to review her new book, in which she wrote that change only comes when we own it. Michelle had a contest prompt asking us to share how we keep active by moving, which I did and was chosen as one of the winners.

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Re-Create and Celebrate (Book Review)

Keep Moving

Sad Face/Happy Face

Rene Margritte Art

DECIDIENDO ENGAÑAR. René Magritte (Bélgica)

Day after day the choice is mine

to show what I feel or hide behind the mask

A happy face when I feel down

or a sad face when I want attention

Decidiendo Enganar… deciding who to deceive

Others or myself


Photo found on Pinterest

Today at d’Verse Melissa gave us the challenging prompt of writing an ekphrastic poem based on a painting of our choosing by Rene Magritte. He is an abstract painter from Belgium with some very unusual subjects. I chose DECIDIENDO ENGAÑAR. René Magritte (Bélgica).

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Questions on Perspective


How much are your core values worth?

At what point do we lose our moral compass

in favor of gaining temporary comforts?

How much political division does it take

to eat away enough of our fabric to bring

the whole tree crashing to the ground?

How many lies does it take to become truth?

What makes us believe we should choose someone

who is morally deficient and politically corrupt

to run our country and lead our nation?

Whether it is Congress or the Presidency,

division is eating away, not only our democracy,

but also, our common sense, knowing right from wrong.

Think long and hard about choosing a raging bull

to manage our China closet…


Photos: Dwight L. Roth

No Excuse for Hate


No excuse for hate

It’s not a political tool

Remember lives lived

Lift them high // show their faces

Erase haters from our view


No excuse for hate

Turn off the talking heads

Remember lives well lived

Their joy // happiness // and love

Hater’s don’t deserve mention


No excuse for hate

Guard the dignity of those

Whose lives were cut short

Let their lights forever shine

As we overcome hate with love

Every week it seems there is another hater out there who decides to shoot people. We never seem to find the motive for their decisions, because most are killed or take their own lives. Their actions are usually planed out and calculated. It seems we finally have learned that we don’t need to see the killer’s face on every news broadcast, but rather show the faces of the victims. We must learn that divisive rhetoric and hate messages only propagate this kind of behavior.

Today at d’Verse, Sanaa asked us to write a poem in which each last line of the stanzas delivers a message that can stand alone or as a group. I revised this one from 2018 and sadly the message is still the same in 2023.

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Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Life’s Choices


Resolutions are simply acknowledging a bit of wisdom.

Like,” When you add something to the cupboard of life,

subtract something.”

Most are simply common sense that I should already know

Things that if done make life better for me and others

I don’t give much thought to resolutions… turned wishful thinking

I try to live every day the very best I can and not worry about the rest

When the time comes life will make my resolutions for me

Whether I like them or not

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Punam gave us a list of five resolutions. We were to pick one and incorporate it into a poem regarding resolutions. The one I chose is in dark print in my poem.

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Choice… or No Choice at All


Hobson’s Choice,” they say, “is no choice at all.”

Much like the choices of our digital world

Do you “agree” or “disagree” seems to come with

every new social media site or equipment driver

Be sure to read the agreement before clicking…

Yeah, right…Who is fool enough to do that??

“Agree” is a “Hobson’s Choice”… no choice at all

An ultimatum you can’t ignore nor refuse

It is “agree” or send it back!

Who wants to do that?

So, we make our choice to have none


Who knows what our choice allows…

Perhaps selling our information?

Listening to us and gathering information?

Spying on us through our camera?

Or… giving up our rights to everything imaginable!

But we will never know… till it’s too late.


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse our guest host Christopher Reilley asked us to write a poem using the word choice. I liked his definition of Hobson’s Choice which is no choice at all!

Join us at: https://dversepoets. com

Tadpoles or Frogs

My little green frog that lives under my deck seems to have laid her eggs in my rain barrel. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed tadpoles swimming when I opened the lid to get some water for my geraniums.

A day or two later I emptied most of the fifty gallons of water on my garden, leaving about a foot of water in the bottom. I could not imagine they would survive in the hot 94 F temps we were having at the time. When we got a light rain a few days later, there they were swimming around in the barrel. I decided to leave them there and watch them for a while.

Yesterday I noticed they were growing hind legs. I can’t imagine that they are still alive and thriving. So, what do I do now? Leave them there to mature or dump them on my garden? Not an easy question to answer.

Tiny tadpoles swim

Growing in my rain barrel

Frogs or tadpoles


Life’s unexpected challenge

Leaving choices to be made


Who should decide?

IMG_9606 (2)


IMG_9624 (2)

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Update: 7-9-2022

The tadpoles have been growing legs; first hind legs and then front ones. We had a couple of heavy thunderstorms this week. I thought I would scoop some of them out and put them in the ditch/stream which now has standing water in it. When I opened the lid, I was surprised to find only three of the thirty plus tadpoles still swimming there. Apparently, they all floated out the overflow notch I had cut in the top of the barrel.  Not sure how they survived, but they must have figured it was time to make their escape!

Choose Your Hypnotist


A willing subject is the key

Believing all will be

What is spoken to me

Tickling my itching ears

Stirring my righteous anger

Calling me to do what

I would never dream of doing

had this spell not been cast

on me…

so willingly

This is my second poem for the prompt Spell. As I watch some of what is going on with the Senate hearings on the January 6th riots at the Capital, I had to think about why this happened. The hypnotist chooses willing subjects to do his bidding, but the subjects usually choose who they want for their hypnotist! This is not only true in politics.

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Painting: Dwight L. Roth


Sri and Dwight 2022 (2)

I met my friend Sri last week for lunch. We had a wonderful time catching up with life and family and changes. He knows I have a sweet tooth, so he bought me a large cinnamon bun for dessert. I split it and we both enjoyed this shared experience. Good friends are wonderful and make life a joy.


Some think life’s choices are about being right or wrong

I believe my choices are more about how life makes me feel

The love of another, the joy of a child, the compassion of a friend

Life is about that connection I feel when someone gets me and I them

That connection of interaction and validation beyond the superficial

A person can follow all the rules and “do things right”

and still be miserable, if that feeling of connection is missing

Life for me is about sharing the joy I feel with others

in spite of knowing some will never quite understand who I am

It is the appreciation that comes with kind affirmation

that renews and restores my confidence in myself

Life that is only about being right or wrong is a very cold life

For me, life is about feeling and loving deeply and caring for others

It is what makes my life worthwhile


Photo selfie: Sriam B.