Sad Face/Happy Face

Rene Margritte Art

DECIDIENDO ENGAÑAR. René Magritte (Bélgica)

Day after day the choice is mine

to show what I feel or hide behind the mask

A happy face when I feel down

or a sad face when I want attention

Decidiendo Enganar… deciding who to deceive

Others or myself


Photo found on Pinterest

Today at d’Verse Melissa gave us the challenging prompt of writing an ekphrastic poem based on a painting of our choosing by Rene Magritte. He is an abstract painter from Belgium with some very unusual subjects. I chose DECIDIENDO ENGAÑAR. René Magritte (Bélgica).

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67 thoughts on “Sad Face/Happy Face

  1. I like your choice, Dwight! I especially like the thought in these lines: “A happy face when I feel down
    or a sad face when I want attention”
    So true that some people manipulate instead of communicating honestly. The art speaks to that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I loved this, Dwight. Very thought provoking.
    I find that as I continue aging, one of the things that I’m working on letting go of more and more are all the masks
    …. If not authentic now, then when? If not myself now, I may never have the chance again….

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I like your “happy face” element, your lines go good with the which one to wear, Happy or Sad. You may not be old enough to remember the 1960’s song, “Put on a Happy Face”?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Faces are like hats. We wear them on sad days, happy days, and manipulative days. Luv your choice of painting and your poignant responding.
    Thank you for dropping by my blog


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  5. Great choice of image, Dwight, and I like where it took you. I’ve given up wearing a mask since I stopped teaching – there’s only myself and my husband, and he can see right through me!

    Liked by 2 people

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