Nature’s Song

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Mountain storm passes through

Pisgah National Forest

Water roars over Looking Glass Falls

Thunder booms… Lighting flashes

Tons of shale hang out over the falls

unfazed by natures fury


Today’s Carolina Blue sky

embedded on flat rocks

Mountain stream gurgles over

wet stones

polished and shaped

over ten thousand summers and winters


Native Americans sat on these rocks

drank from this stream

enjoyed the beauty of the falls

long before we arrived…

to claim it!

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

This is a poem I wrote a year or two ago. I reworked it and added to it so I could present it for an upcoming Old Mountain Press Anthology. I got word today that it has been accepted.

32 thoughts on “Nature’s Song

  1. What is it about a waterfall that is so captivating? Maybe it has to do with the scale of time required to create one, as your poem elegantly reminds us. Also great to be reminded — again and again and again! — that folks were living on this continent for thousands of years before European conquerers/colonizers appeared on the scene with new bacteria/viruses + guns + a “power-over” mindset which allowed us to build a short-sighted and tragically unsustainable way of life…

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think we have been here so long that we think it has always been this way. Our kids need to be reminded that there was a lot of tragedy and death involved in thier good life. Very sad to look back on the atrocities that were committed. Thank you Will for your thoughtful comment.

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    • Thank you, Michele. I am very honored to be considered a part of this anthology community. This is the group I met with two weeks ago in Silva, NC. The photos will not be part of the anthology. It makes me think when I write whether the words can stand alone. To me the Photos and Words go hand in hand.

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  2. Congratulations! I love knowing that your poetry has gained recognition elsewhere – as well as here.

    Questions: Have you switched to JetPack? Will you, if you have not so far? Why or why nor?

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