Clip Clop Ride ( onomatopoeia)

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In my father-in-law’s things, after he died, we found some sketches he had done some years earlier. This Amish buggy was perfectly drawn down to the minute details. Our d’verse prompt from Bjorn, is to use onomatopoeia  to create a poem. These are words that sound like they are spoken. I decided to use Dad’s Amish buggy to make my poem. The onomatopoeia words are in italics.

Clip Clop Ride

Amish buggy // wheels rattling against pavement

Rolling down the road // slowing down traffic

Thwack of the reins on the horses back

Trotting down the road to town and back

Rolling past fields with mooing cows

And a farmer feeding his pregnant sows

Little girls sitting in back with their brothers

Avoiding tourists with cameras and snapping shutters

Home again past their barn full of hay

And the cackle of chickens as they scratch and play

A unique life style frozen in time

Quite a different choice from yours and mine


Sketch: Paul White  –  Reposted from 2018

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I made a copy of the sketch and attempted to do a watercolor of the picture….

Dad's Amish Buggy sketch in watercolors (2)

55 thoughts on “Clip Clop Ride ( onomatopoeia)

  1. Enjoyable from start to finish! Pairing a poem with your father-in-law’s sketch is endearing and nice job with onomatopoeia. I have some old cherished photographs of ancestors riding buggies (not Amish). I don’t know that I will every write a poem for them, but anything is possible. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a treasure to have your FIL’s artwork! That drawing is lovely and makes a person feel calm just looking at it! 🙂 Perfect title, too!
    A quieter calmer gentler, yet good “old fashioned” hard-working lifestyle is good for the body, mind, heart, and soul.
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Clip Clop Ride ( onomatopoeia) – Just a Piece

  4. Pingback: Clip Clop Ride ( onomatopoeia) – Nelsapy

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