
Let us not become jaded

With reports of senseless violence

Brought to us in living color

Real time action like virtual reality

Worn across our eyes


Let us not become jaded

Thinking all is lost and evil has won

Don’t believe it do not fear

Brother helps sister when danger is near


Let us not become jaded

For love is not lost / truth will triumph

Tragedy brings unity

Realizing what is really important

We stand arm in arm and hand in hand

Knowing that in the end

Love Wins!

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Open link night at d’Verse. It is easy to become jaded with all that happens in the world around us. I have revised this piece from a couple of years ago, to remind us that truth is light and love is truth and Love wins!

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com then click on Mr. Linkey to read our poems.

67 thoughts on “Jaded

  1. Of course I am not sure of the exact events, but from what I see on the news here in Australia, this has been a dreadful slight on the democratic voting system… and thoroughly incited by the loser “Trump”… who seems to forget he won by a narrower margin back 4 years ago…. I won’t say too much, but from from what I can see, he’s a very manipulative man, and uses desention/ bordering on hatred, against minority groups to cause divisions with America’s communities ((very much like Hitler did))… and with these wedges in place, he’s able to have protests against his disgusting tactics down-trodden by his powerful media backers…..whoops… said too much !!

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  2. Each of us feels what we need to feel, when we need to feel it. We aren’t machines with switches. I have no doubt something good will spring from yesterday’s actions but it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t feel sorrow today.

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    • There are always extremists and anarchists among us on both sides of the political divide! Why they feel the need to tear down and overthrow, I don’t understand. The preparation for security was just not there, some think intentionally!

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  3. Sage advice, Dwight! 💝 It’s easy to become jaded and fall prey to hopelessness and despair at times like these. Which is why I am grateful for poetry! 🙂

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  4. Despite the horror of the rampage, the fact that so many of Trump’s people resigned and condemned his contributions to the violence provides me with some hope…I could go on but won’t…thanks for the poem. Positivity and clear mindedness is well needed.

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