Sturgeon Moon

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The Full Moon in August is referred to by the Native Americans as the Sturgeon Moon. It is thought that it was due to the large numbers of sturgeon that were available in the northern lakes and rivers at this time of year. Sturgeon are thought to be prehistoric remnants of the ice age. They are bottom feeders that live much longer than most fish. Their boney scale-less bodies and long pointy noses make them look quite different from most fish. Today, Frank Tassone asked us to write a Haikai poem that refers to the Sturgeon Moon. The painting above, of the moon over the mountains and the flowing river, is one I did a few months back. Yesterday, I went back and added more details and color to the original. It is a recycled painting from the Habitat Restore.

Sturgeon Moon rises

Like a boney reflection

Ancient survivor

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This is my little corner of the garage where I do my painting!

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35 thoughts on “Sturgeon Moon

      • I’ve seen others; haiga… on WP. I couldn’t tell you weather it was a free WP site or they did the haiga in another program and then copy and pasted it. Photo play is something I can barely do. I need to take the time to learn more.

        I always write in my own documents and then copy and paste into WP. I once knew someone who lost all their writing because of some glitch and they had no back up.

        If you know how to copy your own photos in your own PC’s photo programs then you can play with fonts and location of the script on your own photos before transferring them to a WP post. But as I have learned the hard way always make a few copies of what ever you want first or you’ll lose the original, which you may want a copy of.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Pingback: #Haikai Challenge #100 (8/17/19): Milky Way (amanogawa). Lit. ‘River of Heaven’ #Haiku #Senryu #haibun #tanka #haiga #renga – Frank J. Tassone

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