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The discussion today at d’Verse Poets Pub was whether humor should be used in poetry. I love humorous poetry and enjoy writing it from time to time. I wrote this one a few years ago after another expensive trip to my dentist. Enjoy…
The Thrill of the Needle & Drill
Here I sit in the dentist’s chair
Waiting for my gum to get numb
It’s a place I avoid for the needles and pain
Are some things from which I run
When the needle went in
I did not feel a thing
But the idea still makes me cringe
My mind goes berserk and the memories kick in
Each time I see that syringe
I sat in the chair getting numb to my hair
Awaiting Dr. Hudson’s return
I wait there in dread feeling numb in my head
Helpless with a faraway yearn
Passing the time till the dreaded encounter
The hygienist jokingly said
Since you’re numb in the head and everything’s dead
Your nose could be pierced instead
We talked of tattoos and ear piercings too
Growing old will be a wild wonder
When all those tattoos we love when they’re new
Get pulled and stretched all asunder
How odd to me what some people go through
Piercings // extreme pain just to be blue
Arms legs and nipple rings too
And in places you mama never knew
“Ah,” I told her, “That pain’s not for me
My threshold is way too low
When I want to suffer and be tortured and bled
I go to the dentist instead.”

Clip Art:


26 thoughts on “Pain

  1. I do love humour in poetry. This one is so real, having been there too.
    I just finished writing a post tonight about the dentist needle….weird eh?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Inspiring…so, if I may? A visit to the dentist/ Is a joy not to be missed/If you are a masochist/ Then it causes quite the thrill/Embrace the sweet agony of the drill/ The painful bit is getting the bill.

    Liked by 2 people

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