Your Shadow

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Light from your bright shadow still follows me

Embedded virtues for good and hard times

Unseen whispers always there guiding me

Though gone from me your light still brightly shines


I find you shadowing me through each day

Down labyrinth passages of my mind

Your tireless service has shown me the way

My shadow…    your reflection through time


The shadow of your love surrounds my thoughts

Tireless effort set the tone for my life

Faithfulness and compassion you taught

Showing God’s love and Grace avoiding strife


You, dear mom, are the beacon of my life

You shadow me daily shining your light

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Laura asked us to write a Sonnet using the word Shadow. I decided to write one in honor of my mom who’s influence still shadows me today. I hope I got this right.*

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* I saw after I finished my sonnet that I had misunderstood the prompt having the first and last word or each line the same! It was all too forced and confusing to me to make that be authentic.

Hope you enjoy it anyway!

Frequent Flyer

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You come to drink sweet and fermentation

from my magical striped balloon of glass

I watch you zipping through tint refraction

Curiously watching me with each new pass


Your tiny micro chip of a frame stops

And through the straw you draw sweet nourishment

Deeply imbibing then back to tree tops

Pausing on a branch // moment of contentment


Perched among the willows // you disappear

Blending in to the foliage like a leaf

In an instant you suddenly appear

Looking for me // like I was the big chief


As I make my sandwich and spread my bread

You land and draw in sweet nectar instead

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Linda asked us to write a poem about flying. Since I have been watching my hummingbird coming back and forth to my feeder, I attempted to write a sonnet about the hummingbird.

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Armor of Blame


Cold steel words now cover me head to toe.
I bind cold blame around my pierced body
Thinking it proves righteous indignation.
Not the first // mine will be the second blow
A fight to the death // my sword sharp words live;
Casting blow after cutting blow I charge…
Battle-scarred, bruised, and battered we retreat…
Alone // Would be easier to forgive?
Oh, no! … for I fight alongside Id and Ego;
Too much at stake to forgive your many sins.
Blame is my protection // choking my heart;
Stand and fight // I learned defense long ago!
Forgiveness // love // leaves me vulnerable;
I go down fighting // while I am able.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today Frank , at d’Verse, asked us to write a poem that includes blame and forgiveness.  I wonder why we put ourselves through all the pain when forgiveness could save us the agony. It all comes down to being right! How could I forgive you if I am always right!!?? I believe this is the problem in our country as well.

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