Turtling on a Log

Six turtles necking

On Lover’s Log in the pond

Their hot blood pumping


Sun’s bright rays coming on strong

Wondering who’ll get lucky

Two slide in to chill

Leaving four seeking a thrill

Long necks stretched …entwined


With hot lovin’ on their minds

Warm chills up and down their spine

Two more slide away

Into the green pond they spill

Rita and Bill stay


Will Rita’s love want to play

Or will he send her away

Rita cozies up

But Big Bill’s not in the mood

Now Rita’s long gone


Leaving Bill alone to brood

Wondering what he did wrong

I wrote this Haikai poem in renga form, but it is not a true renga since it is not a collaboration. I did both the first and second voice with the asterisks showing the divisions. Renga is a Japanese form that is written in collaboration with another person; each verse and response becoming more boisterous. We went to the Dogwood Park today, where we saw this row of turtles lined up on a log in the middle of the pond. It was so cute… the pairs were neck and neck in the sunshine. So, that is how I came up with this silly renga!

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

I posted this earlier this week. Since many of the d’Verse Poets Pub group have not seen this one. I am putting it up for open link night.

Join us at: http://dversepoets.com Then click Mr. Linkey to read more…

Big Blow…

Trump forcast (2)
Dorian blew through
Spent time in the Bahamas
Wreaked havoc on all
A windstorm like no other
Finally headed up the coast
President misspoke
Drew lines clear to Alabam’
New Media jumped on it
Over and over they slammed
Dorian crept on
Ocracoke and Hatteras
Storm surge rolled inland
Never did reach Alabam’
Headed on to Newfoundland
President’s drawing
Still making news every day
Does anyone care
News Media won’t let it go
Trump’s sketch book making history

Our Haikai prompt from Frank Tassone today is windstorm. As we watched Hurricane Dorian take its time moving out of here, we are in awe of the damage mother nature can do when a huge hurricane moves through! In the middle of it all, the News Media made a big adieu of President Trumps home-made prediction. that it could possibly go inland as far as Alabama. His hand drawn sketch should have been taken with a grain of salt. Instead, the news broadcasts making drama will help it go down in the history books! How silly!!! This is my attempt at Renga humor about it all.

Join us at:https://frankjtassone.com/2019/09/07/haikai-challenge-103-9-7-19-windstorm-nowaki-haiku-senryu-haibun-tanka-haiga-renga/

Picture from Bing images


Black Crow Awakening

crow sillouite

Today I am attempting a Renga poem for Frank Tassone’s Haikai challenge. He asked us to write a Haikai poem of our choice that included crow’s first call. A Renga is usually more humorous in nature and often composed by two or more people each adding a verse. I hope I have done it justice!

Bad dreams awake me
Incessant cawing won’t stop
Outside my window

Black crow’s obnoxious racket
Creeps loudly through my pain(pane)

I lift the window
Yelling loudly at the crow
Crow ignores my fuss

I shout and bang on the pane
Breaking glass falls at my feet

My toe is bleeding
Frustration drowns out the pain
I reach for my gun

With shells in my hand I load
A bullet in the barrel

A loud gunshot fired
Black crow quickly flies away
My shot went awry

Hitting nothing but blue sky
Black crow flew back as I cried

On blood marked carpet
I tiptoed to the bathroom
Getting a band-aid

I wrapped up my toe tightly
Black crow perched laughing loudly


Print of crow: Bing/pintrest

Join us at: https://frankjtassone.com/2019/01/05/haikai-happenings-68-1-5-19-first-raven-crow-cryhatsugarasu-haiku-senryu-haibun-tanka-haiga-renga/

Earth Day



So many people

Large anthills all over this ball

How do we compare



Protecting our Earth from harm

Challenging polluters gain



Photo: Dwight L. Roth

This is for Frank Tassone’s Haikia/Haiku Saturday challenge using the word Earth for upcoming Earth Day tomorrow! If you have ever stepped on an anthill in your bare feet you will understand this poem.

#Haikai Challenge #30 (4/21/18): Earth… #Haiku #Senryu #Haibun #Tanka #Haiga #Renga