

What most seek, and especially we poets,

is that connection of spirit, lost with AI


We are not just voyeurs of another’s life

watching for exciting moments, unshared

Poets desire a soul connection with each other

that you can’t get just by scrolling and watching


Poets feel deeply in the visceral part of their being,

the heartbeat of the soul where truth lies… often hidden


Poetry evolves from that understanding most miss,

our need to share and be heard by others

who like us desire the same


Poets crave interaction that goes beyond

the trivial courtesies of social media’s

likes, loves, and silly emogic responses


We poets scatter words beyond our family

and loved ones, who bless us sympathetically

and assume that should be enough for our poetic egos


Connection is that amazing shot of adrenalin

that demands a continual pursuit of more… and more


So, we write, laying ourselves bare before the world

vulnerable… yet exhilarated… afraid… yet challenged


seeking inspiration that moves not only ourselves,

but touches the hearts of our readers as well.


Photo: Dwght L. Roth

Reading this for d’Verse Poets Pub’s live meeting this morning at 10:00 AM.

I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be a poet. This is another reflection on that theme.

Join us at: – to get the link to our live meeting.

Poetry Brought us Together

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This past weekend my wife and I drove to the little town of Silva in the Mountains of Western North Carolina for a gathering of poets. Tom Davis, editor of Old Mountain Press, invited those who had contributed to his past fifty poetry and prose anthologies. We met at the City Lights Bookstore in Silva on Saturday afternoon and shared our poetry. I believe all of us were over fifty, but that did not dampen our spirits. The lady in the center photo above had been in all fifty anathologies. Poets Came from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.


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Tom Davis is a mentor of mine and is a major reason I am writing. I was introduced to him by my dear friend Kym Gordon Moore back in 2014. I have been contributing to his quarterly anthologies since then. This was the first we got to meet face to face. It was a wonderful time and a welcoming community of poets.

Everyone you meet

(Has) potential to change your life

Reach out / touch a life


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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

A Poet’s Hymn

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Like a Poet hidden
In the light of thought,
Singing hymns unbidden… “

~Percy Shelley – To a Skylark


A Poets Hymn

The poets mind is always in tune

to what’s happening all around;

Picking up on tidbits of emotion,

trickles of thought, or misspoken sounds.

Tucking them away for rumination

adding perspective, bias, and slant.

Embellished with bits of truth’s promotion

life lessons to heal and seeds to plant.

Prophets, seekers, mystics, and sages

Words written across his pages

Always in perfect pitch…

a hymn for the ages


Photo: Dwight L. Roth



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Though our words may look

like dried husks, dead and worthless…

of little value…

Inside // buried potential

inspiration and new life!


Those who read find seeds

planted deeply in their soul

(a place to germinate)

Dominoes of light

Lined up //waiting to be tipped

Scattered feathers in the wind

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Reading Ivor Sevens poem the other day, the word husks stuck in my mind, triggering this poem. Thanks for the inspiration Ivor!

Seeds in Lines – Ivor.Plumber/Poet (

My Verse

Some may ask the reason of existence

This short lived life…

Here today // gone tomorrow

Of what value is my being

Why do I write poetry

Paint pictures with words

Or with a brush

I write because

I am a member of the human race

I write because I am alive

Full of passion and urgency

Finding connection

Creating purpose


We are all part of the play of life

“…The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse…

What will your verse be?”

Today at d’Verse, Mish asked us to choose a favorite line from a movie and write it into a poem. I chose a line Robin Williams tells his class in the movie, Dead Poets Society. “…The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse…What will your verse be?”

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Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Chasing Beauty

I followed her as she floated in free fall,

admiring all those glittering points of light.

I reached out to touch her glistening face

only to find her cheeks cold to the touch.

Light reflected, not inborn.

Landing with all the others

she froze in place // frigid // unmoving;

unique glory lost in the masses.

Her cold cold frozen heart melted

in the early morning sunshine.

Sparkling one last time, she disappeared

right before my eyes…

Snowflake // so perfect // so unique;

One of a kind ephemeral beauty.

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Peter asked us to consider beginnings… the beginning line of our poem. He noted that the beginning line of a poem makes a person either want to continue reading or pass it by. I have reworked a poem that had a generic beginning and attempted to make it more enticing!

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Poetry Frozen in Time

Thoughts captured / frozen / sparkling moments in time

Held in place by negative Fahrenheit and Centigrade

Poetry captured trickling from the bowl of inspiration

For one brief moment it lies frozen / waiting for ink

But, inspiration lasts only till the next shining moment

The constant ebb and flow of life soon carries it away

The warm sun’s UV rays melt our trickles of frozen thought

And what momentarily embeds in our minds

Turns to liquid / a poetic flow of beauty and inspiration

Written on digital parchment, napkin, or diary

Reflected in sun’s rainbow of thought flowing from the bow


Photo; Laura Ziegler

Life is a Poem

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Life is a Poem
Everything in life is a poem waiting to be written.
Most do not hear the poets call or feel the inspiration
But for those who look and listen there is music ;
poems to be written // deep emotions to be felt
that can only be expressed in words.


Those who pause // make life stand still
and open their soul …
They understand it loud and clear.
as words resonate // echoing through the mind


Poets are like pleasant speed bumps
that slow you down and make you listen;
Sometimes giving you a big jolt
When you least expect it.


Poets are fearless prophets // writing of love and hate
Politics and Religion // joy and strength;
Raising consciousness //challenging norms;
Searching for words that express Truth
Bringing Light to the world.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Inspired by Charlie’s poem “Just Beneath the surface”

Found Poetry

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Today we were asked to write poetry from our book shelf. Bjorn, at d’Verse, called it found poetry. The challenge is to arrange and make a poem using book titles from our shelf, without changing any titles. I thought these were a very fitting group for the times we are experiencing. See what you think?

Found Poetry


Money, Sex, and Power

The Brilliant Idiot

Dialogue with death


The pilgrim’s progress

The Shack

The light on the hill

What’s so amazing about grace

Streams of living water

Sit, Walk, Stand…


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

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