… a time to gather things together.”

Tornado Damage

It is sad to see the devastation of the tornadoes that have blown through the US this past couple of weeks. So many people have lost everything they had, and most barely escaped with their lives. This poem is written for d’Verse Poets Pub’s prompt with them in mind.

George’s thoughts scatter like a broken string of pearls

Each little moment rolling off in a different direction

He paused to gather the memories together

To collect what was left of a lifetime of toil and labor

The house he had built lay scattered across the field

Only the bathroom walls were still standing

Sifting through the rubble he found their wedding picture

Lifting it gently from the rubble he saw the glass was not broken

It has been five years since she passed

A tear rolled down his cheek as recalled the love they shared

Memories of her helped him refocus as the years went by

Gradually he found himself enjoying life once again

And now a tornado destroyed it all in a matter few minutes

His life blowing in the wind like feathers from a pillow

No matter what the storm destroyed he still had his family

Surrounding him with Love and ready to help him rebuild.


Photo: Brookings Institute – bing

Today at d’Verse, Laura gave us an interesting poetic challenge of writing a poem of Antonyms in Contrapuntal Lines.

We were to choose a pair of antonyms and write a poem for each word. Then we were to incorperate the two poems into one larger poem.  I did mine by alternating the poem lines. I chose the words Scatter and Collect. You can read it as one poem or read the dark lines and the light lines as two separate poems. I hope I got this right.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com


Stretching over the sink he shaves

Just like his dad / Barbasol and all.

Standing on tiptoes he pats on

a face full of shaving cream.

His plastic pretend razor slides easily

making wide snowplow tracks.

Rinsing off the excess he continues

until his face is shiny clean.

Wiping his face with the towel

he smiles feeling like a real man.

Little brother watches carefully

and copies the same motions;

rinsing his razor in the same sink.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d/Verse, Grace asked us to consider the significance of setting in our poems. We are to write a poem that definitely gives the reader a sense of the poem’s setting. This is one of my favorite photos of my two boys many years ago. I found a child’s shaving kit at the Dollar Store and he loved it.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com then click on the Mr. Linkey box and read some other poems.

Our Love…

“…so close that your sea rises with my heat.” C.Perez

Our love crescendos, turning us into liquid.

Oceans of your love crash and swell, then ebb

into calm retreat, painting the canvas bare…


Flowing across the layers of my electrocuted mind;

Covering all the shards of hurt from the past

with the joy of this glorious present moment in time;

Leaving only love’s fading footprints on the sand.


Our love grows in weeded beds of flowers sweet

with honey bees’ favorite blossoms, filled with nectar…

Without the taint of poisonous words that sting and dig

deep into the soul, leaving scars blight and spoil.


You. my love, are life’s precious fruit no longer forbidden

in the garden of beauty and perfection, delectable as

fresh peaches graced with rich sweet cream


Feeling you here in this moment, in this time of uncertainty,

Calms my storm of chaos that sit churning just off shore.

You are here now…

“so close your sea rises with my heat.” C.Perez

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

We are doing Poetics at d’Verse this evening that deal with endings! She gave us six ending lines from poems of various poets. We had to choose one, and take the ending line of that poem, to continue the thought of the poem, in the same manner as the original poem. I chose ending line of the poem,  C.Perez ~ Love in a Time of Climate Change to write my poem. Hopefully it is close to what she is asking us to do. We are to use the ending line as an epigraph (between the title and the body of the poem). Or at the end… I did both.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com Then click on Mr. Linkey to read more poems.

Who’s In Charge?

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Through it all the animals roam freely
while humans withdraw in their dread and fear
not venturing out // where birds sing sweetly
Our furry and feathered friends worry not
going about their gatherings with cheer;
living lives daily with nary a thought.
Resigned to their fate, they’ve no ears to hear.
While superior beings listen in fear…
Newscasts shout, “Cornovirus is near!”
What makes us believe we should rule the world?
We read it on pages // good books are clear
we’re invincible // destined // brash and bold…
Perhaps, it’s now time to accept our state;
realizing we are not superior here;
and, like the animals accept our fate.
Live life with purpose making each day count.
Knowing in God we trust through every tear…
we face each tomorrow as tensions mount.


I see people racing to the store to buy up toilet paper, I notice all around me in nature is still the same. The birds sing the squirrels raid my feeder without a thought. We have a lot to learn about our place in this world and nature has many ways to help keep us in perspective.



Old and Bold

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Today at d’Verse, Frank asked us to take a quote from a favorite poem and write an imitation poem in the exact same style. I chose the following quote from T. S. Elliot…“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

“I grow old … I grow old …
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.”
This is my rewrite:
I grow bold … I grow bold …
I shall shave the round top of my bald head cold.
Shall I trim around my ears? Do I dare to wax my chest?
I shall dress in old cargo pants, and set out on my quest.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com