A Spirit of Fear


Fear creates anxiety

believing we are helpless

unable to control our future


Fear drives us to climb on board

riding the band wagon of distress

cheering as we careen toward the cliff;

Just like Thelma and Louise


Fear preempts good judgment

listening to our insecurities

believing in hopelessness

instead of common sense


Fear grasps for that last straw

knowing it will not save us

while denying the inevitable


Fear is the method of control

for politicians, religious leaders, and jihad i terrorists

Dictators, Presidents, Kings, and Priests

Why do we choose a spirit of fear

when we could have…

“…a Spirit of power, of love, and of a strong mind” (NKJV)

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Happiness and Joy

Ruth;s Tile

In this time of uncertainty we soon find out who we really are as people. Some go into a tail spin and become fearful of every little thing. Others try in vain to stock up hoards of stuff to satisfy their manic tendencies. Some believe God is in control and all will work out in time for our good.  For many, happiness is gone; replaced with anxiety. I am sure we all experience some of these tendencies. How we approach a crisis is much the same as we approach our every day life. Happiness is like the weather; sunny one day and raining the next. Joy goes to the core of our being and sustains us through the bad weather that will come in our lives. Remember what is important in life.

Happiness and Joy
Happiness is a little bird
Perched on the rail
Right within my grasp
Only to fly away
The moment
I reach out to take hold of it.
Joy is the blood
Pumping through my veins
A constant rhythm of rejuvenation
Not something to be possessed
Rather something to be
Joy is what keeps my soul alive


I posted this back in December, but feel it might be helpful to post it again.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Where Have You Been?

My father-in-law. who had Alzheimer’s, was confined several years ago after his wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor. This all took place within a month and a half. Initially we took him to visit her in her care facility across the city; but. he forgot he saw her by the time he got back to his residence.
It was very difficult for him that first year and after she passed away. When we went to visit we found notes written on his dinner napkins asking where she was and why she did not come back. It was heartbreaking to read his pleas for answers. Although we explained everything to him it was not long till he again asked the same questions. The note writing stopped after about a year. He seemed to be resigned that he was there by himself and only asked about her on occasion. He was there for five years and died in 2018.

In the winter of life the fog sets in
obscuring the obvious and familiar
Leaving one to memories past;
today’s events already forgotten.
A perspective very different
from yours and mine;
Time stands still …
like looking in a mirror to the past;
Closing the windows of the present.
Anxieties not understood
plague the mind and thoughts.
Looking for a spouse long gone;
Expecting to see her any moment;
Wondering where she is
and when she will return.
Distraught to the point of resignation
the fog becomes more intense.
Time slows down as the hour glass trickles
until finally // the top glass is empty.

This beautifully haunting song by Kathy Mattea helps bring the sadness of this disease into perspective.

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Our Last Christmas Together

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Back in 2012, we celebrated our last Christmas with my wife’s mother. She had just been diagnosed with and inoperable brain tumor. It was a time of very deep and mixed emotions. Her father was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and in January of 2013 had to be placed in a care facility as well. As I look at this photo, I see that Mother has resigned herself to what is to come and greatly enjoyed our last Christmas together. On the other hand Dad was filled with anxiety at the anticipation of being left alone without his wife to care for him.  You can see that his smile did not hold the same resignation as Mother’s. The adjustments of aging and loss are much deeper than any of us can imagine. As we complete our fiftieth year together, I often reflect on that Christmas, and on what is still to come.
Enjoying Christmas
Knowing everything will change
Winter’s mixed feelings


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Also posted of Frank Tassone’s Haikai challenge…

#Haikai Challenge #118 (12/21/19): Christmas/Hanukkah #haiku #senryu #haibun #tanka #haiga #renga


Que Sera, Sera…

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Que Sera, Sera…
Worry less about the future
Concentrate on today
No need to spend time on what might be
And miss out on what is
Aging brings questions of what is next
It also brings a treasure of what was
A life to share // a gift to give
No need to sit back and wait for the end
Stay in the game // play hard to the end
Enjoy all life has to offer as long as you can
Be grateful for the blessings of life
Love deeply // feel every emotion
Share the joy of this moment in time
Be the best you can be today
Let God have your tomorrow
…Whatever will be, will be

Stair Painting: Dwight L. Roth

What’s Eating You


No matter how tall you might be

No matter how strong your limbs

Or beautiful your foliage

What’s eating at your core

Can bring you down


Unwelcome changes come

When we internalize what’s eating us

Time for a change of attitude

Live life positively


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, De Jackson asked us to consider change and write a Quadrille of 44 words.  I have a large beautiful maple in my back yard that I discovered is being eaten by termites. It won’t be very long until a big wind comes along and takes it down. The same is true with us as well. This is my Quadrille about changing our way of thinking to live longer!

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Making Choices


Squirrels are famous for getting hit while crossing the street. I have driven down the street and seen one start to run out across. But before he is a third of the way across he stops and freezes. Trying to decide whether to go on or turn back.  If he had simply kept going he would easily have made it across. Sometimes his indecision keeps him there too long and he meets his demise. A good lesson for all of us. Indecision gets us nowhere. It is important to keep moving forward in life.


Indecision is the cancer of the soul

The stealer of joy in life

The weight that becomes unbearable

Indecision races through the mind

Veering wildly around sharp turns

Looking over steep heart-stopping cliffs

Indecision distorts perception

Assumes answers yet to be given

Like quicksand sucking us down

Indecision all-consuming anxiety

Fear of the inevitable choice

Knowing it must be made

Indecision leaves us chained

Stealing our freedom to be

Stuck in the swamp of worry and woe

Indecision leaves us impotent

Lacking will to move on

Leaving us hollow and empty


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Hernia Cut


The year after we got married I discovered I had inguinal hernia in my groin. Since I was teaching school at the time, I decided to have surgery on my Christmas break.  This was the first time I ever was in the hospital or had surgery. Fortunately. all went well and I was back on the job soon after Christmas. One twist I discovered as I entered the operating room was the attending nurse was a friend of ours. It was a little awkward, but I was not awake long enough to worry. I wrote this poem to share my experience.

Hernia Cut

Anxiety floods my mind

Razor cuts close removing hair

Held by hands other than my own

Doctor assures it will be a smooth operation

Tightened up and tucked back in

Tossing and turning deliberate sleep

Morning shines in breakfast denied

Roller coaster ride in hall and elevator

Meat wagon bumps open O.R. doors

Everyone dressed in white

But I am not in heaven

Sliding onto the cutting board

Only a half apron to cover

IV running wired up and monitored

I know the nurse with the needle

A friend to help me sleep

Gas without octane

Count….ten …nine… eight…seeeveeeeen…

Lights out

Total faith all will be well

Apron removed I’m painted up

Bald skin bulging in the light

Wonder what she thought

Body in lifeless slumber

Scalpel cuts blood oozes

Muscle stitched tight

Closed with not too fancy stitching

Back to the wagon and withdrawal

Noisy nurses talking way too loud

“Wake up it’s time to wake up!”

“Breathe deeply Take a deep breathe”

I open my eyes

I’m back

Didn’t feel a thing


Photo: Dwight L Roth

This makes 200 posts since I started in June, blogging a post a day !





What does it take to be happy? A big house, a fancy car, and lots of money?  I drive past this house every week and find the posted gate along the road to be quite interesting. The huge house and fine grounds is beautiful yet very uninviting. The No Tresspassing signs and cameras let me know I am not welcome. I decided to write a poem debating who is happier, me or them? See what you think.


Those with little have little to lose

Living hand to mouth is not what they choose

A house to live in with a lock on the door

A car in the drive and nothing more

A welcome mat that invites friends in

To stop a moment and share where they’ve been

No fences no gates just lots of green grass

Where friends can play when they get out of class

What a contrast to those who have more

Behind locked gates with signs on the door

With cameras and lights  they watch from a distance

Guns in the closet if they face resistance

Posted it reads you are not welcome here

Don’t come through our gate we don’t want you near

When we have more we fear your approach

Worried  and frightened that you might encroach

Some don’t want the likes of you around

They appear afraid you will soil their ground

So, let them stay behind their gate

Worried and anxious about their fate

We’re happy with our freedom and the little we’ve got

We work hard and enjoy friends in our back lot