Lead-Moon-Balloon (Ekphrastic Fantasy)

sailing-ship - Catrin Welz-Stien

Starship travelers float along neath their lead-moon-balloon

Sailing just above the fray // isolated from the chaos below

Looking down with scorn on everybody beneath them

Thinking how lucky they are not to have to mix with riffraff


Puttering along in their imaginary fantasy they huddle together

Talking of how they hope to find the perfect place to drop anchor

A world where they will be alone with gated communities

Yet still in control of what goes on beyond those iron gates


After all it would be unthinkable to mix with the likes of them


But as the loud clammer and strife goes on below

They find there is really no utopian place to go

For starship fantasies and lead-moon-balloons can only sail so far

And clammer and strife will emerge wherever they are…


So, they slowly descend into reality’s chaos

Knowing they can’t get far on lead-moon-balloons

And starship fantasies


Today at d’Verse, Lillian asked us to choose from four abstract art pieces by Catrin Welz-Stein and write an ekphrastic poem from inspiration we get from studying it. 

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com






53 thoughts on “Lead-Moon-Balloon (Ekphrastic Fantasy)

  1. Pingback: Lead-Moon-Balloon (Ekphrastic Fantasy) – Poems by Arturo Hernandez

  2. Your first line is ekphrastic poetry to a T! This is exactly what this is when I see it with your words. It is kind of sad to me that they set themselves above so many by saying they don’t want to mix with the rifraff and they’re looking for gated communities. But then they discover there is a bit of chaos everywhere…..and they can not stay above it.
    Such an interesting take on the image!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Lillian. I am so glad you enjoyed this one. It just grabbed me when I looked through your choices. Such a parody on today’s society. I appreciate your kind words.


  3. This reads like a great allegorical poem. Reality always finds a way to punch you in the gut. Can’t be an idealist who dreams and lives in a make-believe world. This is a fantastic poem. I loved everything about it.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. “Sailing just above the fray // isolated from the chaos below” ~~~ oh yes, I love when that happens, often during long walks, listening to good music. Never wanting to land in reality. A lovely poem, Dwight.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. cloud barriers make a comfy cushion between them and us, so I wouldn’t expect that balloon to sink any time soon. If only this message could rise above the clouds, reach them, and really sink in.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love this especially; “Starship travelers float along neath their lead-moon-balloon/Sailing just above the fray isolated from the chaos below.” 💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

  7. “Looking down with scorn on everybody beneath them
    Thinking how lucky they are not to have to mix with riffraff,,,,

    makes me think that boat is full of elite politicians. I wish they would come down and “mix with the riffraff” and feel what reality really is!

    Liked by 1 person

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