Early Morning Painting (flash fiction)

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Barbara loved the early morning, just before the sunrise. It always took her back in time to her High School years when she had to catch the bus at seven in the morning for the long twenty-mile ride to school.

She always liked sitting by the window so she could look out and watch the changes as Nature painted its canvas with hues of red, orange, yellow, and then blue. But she especially liked the mornings when the moon hung low on the horizon. On those days she loved imagining the moon as more than a big chunk of rock reflecting sunlight. In her mind she thought, “An early moon is just a piece of change in the softening sky.”

Now she sits on her porch with her morning coffee watching the sun and moon playing games with each other above the mountains.


Photo and Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Merril gave us a prosery prompt. We are to write prose (flash fiction of 144 words) instead of poetry, but we must include a given line from a poem that she has chosen.  The line is:  “An early moon is just a piece of change in the softening sky.”    from — James Masao Mitsui, “Spring Poem for the Sake of Breathing, Written After a Walk to Foster Island”

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59 thoughts on “Early Morning Painting (flash fiction)

  1. Photo, painting and Prosery fit together well, Dwight. I especially enjoyed the imagery and colours of the second paragraph and, of course, the final image of the ‘sun and moon playing games with each other above the mountains’.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “An early moon is just a piece of change in the softening sky.” ~Dwight, you never cease to amaze me with your giftedness, in both painting and writing. It’s absolutely stunning. I saw the moon last night. Thank you for capturing its beauty!

    Liked by 2 people

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