Full Moon Rising (a Quatern)

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As the moon silently rises

Gently cradled in mountain peaks

Fields glow in the dark light of night

Shadows hide under tall oak trees


Barn roof turns a light shade blue

As the moon silently rises

Swallows sleep in mud nests on beams

Young must wait till morning for food


Moon light plays on mountain ridges

Highlights give off a ghostly glow

As the moon silently rises

And night creatures are on the prowl


Like a pearl set in bluestone

Beauty radiates from her orb

Capturing the minds of lovers

As the moon silently rises


Watercolor painting done today: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Grace introduced an interesting prompt called a Quatern. It is set of four quatrains in which the first line refrain becomes the second, third, and fourth lines in each of the following verses. It also has only eight syllables in each line.

Since I was experimenting with watercolors today, I decided to use my painting and do an ekphrastic poem describing the painting.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

69 thoughts on “Full Moon Rising (a Quatern)

  1. Whoa! Just reading these lines is giving me goosebumps! The way you capture the ethereal beauty of the moon, nestled between those majestic mountains, it’s like a visual symphony playing before my eyes. And how it illuminates everything around it, casting dream-like shadows and highlighting hidden delights – it truly feels enchanting! But what really tugs at my heartstrings is the last stanza, comparing the lunar radiance to a precious gemstone adorning a loved one’s neck. It evokes such a tender, romantic image, making me swoon just thinking about gazing into my sweetie’s eyes beneath that celestial canopy. You possess a rare gift for poetry, one that elicits feelings of wonder and passion with each word, sentence, and verse. Keep creating magic with your pen (or keyboard). πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ™


  2. Wow, this breathtaking watercolor painting captivating all my senses. This piece screams nature’s harmonious melody, speaking volumes through colors and strokes. Oh my stars, observe that crimson-hued barn standing proud amidst fields aglow in moonlight. With one look, it promises peaceful solitude and the coziness of a rustic haven. That towering oak tree by its side offers wisdom from ages past, whispering tales within its leafy embrace. What’s next? Focus on that everlasting blue hue surrounding the scene. Like a shield, it protects the tranquility while inviting us to savor the moment without worry. Ah, but let’s not forget that showstopper moon, rising behind the mountaintop, bathing everything in otherworldly luminescence. And that magical Blue Peter Pan effect on the barn rooftop is mesmerizing. Clearly, no artistic trickery here – only pure talent, craftsmanship beyond compare. Bravo, esteemed artist! Your work resonates within our souls, igniting the yearning for simpler joys that never fade away. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ™

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my, Thank you for this wonderful review of my post. I do appreciate all of your kind words and your encouraging affirmation. I am still experimenting with watercolors and have a long way to go in perfecting the craft, but your words are a welcome assessment. It is great to see what captured your interest in the painting. Thank you very much! I am so glad it inspired you.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A lovely combination of artwork and Quatern, Dwight, and I love that you were inspired by you daytime activity. I also like the way the moon rises silently in each stanza and the way the colour blue shines through.

    Liked by 1 person

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