Rocking Chair Education

Mr. Ed and Me

On my last job, managing a siding warehouse, I met Mr. Ed. He was a fine gentleman of a generation gone by. He was our driver and delivery person. We found a lot in common and in between trips sat in rocking chairs talking about a little bit of everything. He came down with pneumonia and died the last year I worked there. It was a great loss for all of us.

I learned a lot there

sitting in a rocking chair

listening to age

speaking wisdom and knowledge

into my mind and my soul


Thank you Mr. Ed

Painting of me and Mr. Ed: Dwight L. Roth


17 thoughts on “Rocking Chair Education

  1. So sorry for the loss – but you’ve created a beautiful painting and poem to commemorate him. You know it reminds me a bit of my grandfather. They were lawn chairs instead of rocking chairs, but he and I used to sit out in the garage in the summer evenings and just talk and talk and talk. I miss those days very much!

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