The Silent Voice of the Spirit

Chris's family Easter 2010 012.jpg

Easter brings a time of reflection on what the meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus means to us who are part of the Christian faith. For me it reinforces the power of God’s love in my life. Some get bogged down in rules and rituals and debates over theological interpretations, but for me the gospel boils down to Love and Grace… God’s Love for me and Grace that goes beyond all my sins.  I wrote this poem earlier this year which sums up and focuses on the way all this plays out in my life.

The Silent Voice of the Spirit
In the recesses of the mind
Where reason and conscience lie
Right along side the knowledge of good and evil
There comes a sound // not in words
But a silent voice speaking to me
Not with scream nor shout
But with a still small (silent) voice
Heard above the noise of loud voices
Clamoring for my attention
Heard above the noise of city streets
Roaring trucks and honking taxies
Above social media smart phones
Spewing out trivial pursuits
The silent voice always there.
The other option…
Some call it mystical
Others hear nothing
But I hear the silent voice of God
Speaking into my soul…
The voice that says, “I love you my child.”
“No matter what you might do,
I love you!”
“Be all you can be!”

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

21 thoughts on “The Silent Voice of the Spirit

  1. I just wandered over here… you are truly a gifted poet. I write fiction and nonfiction but not poetry. I’ve tried a few times but can’t seem to capture the feelings or the scene — at least not in so few words. “The Silent Voice of the Spirit” — not so silent, right? That voice has led/is leading me to wonderful things. I trust the same is true for you. 🙂

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