Liquid Love

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Love is not something solid

that you give to someone

such as a gift at Christmas.

It is not a gift card from Target

with a dollar amount written on it

It is not even the wedding rings

that tie us together in matrimony


Love is emotional water

quenching the thirst of the soul

It is spiritual fluidity that can only

be passed through a hug

a kind word

or a smile

It is a feeling that connects two souls

subtle, yet strong and magnetizing


Love is the liquid that lights a fire

in one’s inner being

that lifts and sustains

Love is the inspiration of God’s Spirit,

the blood of God flowing through us

enabling us to become the “Word made flesh”


After reading Astrid’s post on the Act of Love, I felt inspired to continue her thought even further…

The Act of Love – Astrid’s Words (

Sharing this for the Open Link on d’Verse Poets Pub 

Old Black and White Photo: Dwight L. Roth




God Speaks in Silence


Where does one hear the voice of God?
Is it in large cathedrals with towering spires
or from preachers who peddle the Gospel
like a Television infomercial” // New and Improved.
Does it come through what we put on // or what we take off
Perhaps in the mass emotion of the moment
Like an engine revved up to 5000 rpms?
I believes it come in silence. when we listen
To a bubbling stream or birds singing in the trees.
It come in the silence of a flower
Smiling up at us // waving in the wind.
Perhaps in a silent loving touch // no words needed;
Or, from the silence of the written word
Enlightening our minds // opening our eyes.
Sometimes it comes as we share ourselves with others
Our passion // our faith // our love // our compassion.
In the silence of our minds God speaks;
As we listen // living in the Spirit
We become the silent word made flesh;.
The silent voice of God to those willing to hear.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Advent of Innocence

Advent Painting - Piercing the Darkness

Advent of Innocence
Today is the first Sunday of Advent in the Christian Faith. Emmanuel, God with us, was the prophesy of the promised Messiah. A time when God himself would take on the human embodiment to show us what it would be like to live and love in a life contradictory to the norms and darkness of the day. It is interesting to me that the Messiah came to us in the innocence of a tiny baby. The future life and sacrifice of Jesus brought forgiveness, grace, and peace to all who choose to believe.

The Word made flesh
Advent of innocence brings
Light piercing darkness


Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Shared with the Frank Tassone Haikai Challenge. Join us at:

Proving Your Faith


I believe it is contradictory to try to prove faith.  Some go to great lengths to prove that what they believe is right. Endless studies and theological discourses are done trying to disprove everyone else. Some feel if they can disprove evolution, for example that they will have accomplished a great milestone for Creationism. Still others pick and choose proof texts to support their particular beliefs. For me, this proves nothing. The proof of your faith is in living it. If what you say does not match what you do then you have nothing to offer anyone.

Proof is in the living //not in the proving

Faith is not based on proof //rather on belief

Proof is not disproving others

It is living the faith you choose

For it is in living that we convince others

That our words/work is not in vain

Yet we try so hard to convince ourselves we are right

Is it our doubt // or feelings of superiority?

Few are brought to faith by details of theology

Rather by the life of One who has lived selflessly

Faith is not supported by disproving science…

Which is ever changing as knowledge increases

Faith is not proven by what cannot be proven //

Stories of the past or imaginations of the future…

Recorded to uplift and reassure the faithful

Having little to do with drawing others to accept your Truth

Faith is a mystery // believing what can’t be proven

Accepting God’s Love and Grace

Living in that light each day of your life

Loving God //Loving your neighbor //Serving others

Faith is based on Love … not on Proof

Your faith in action becomes

“The Word made Flesh”

Gene Pool DNA

Pop & Mom and Chris (2)

Gene Pool DNA

I can see him smiling in the mirror

I could talk of my blue eyes

From my father

Or his large nose with creases

In the sides // just above the nostril

All passed down to me in lovers mix

Then there are varicose veins

From my mother

Decorating my calves

Like dribbles of icing on a cake

But the best inherited body part of all

Came from both

Father and Mother

I inherited their hearts

Beating as one

A heart for others

Compassion for those in need

Faith to believe that God loves

Every one no matter what

They might have done

A helix of Love exemplified as

“The Word made Flesh”


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today Kim at d’Verse asked us to choose a body part that we have inherited from our parents, and write a poem in the first person about it. I took it a step further and made it a metaphorical body part.

Come join us at d’Verse:  hppt://


A New Year’s Blessing


A New Year’s Blessing
May your old year pass with peace and celebration
May you let all your worries remain in 2017
Hold your friends dear to your heart
Let loyalty and love be your coat of arms
Let your grief do its work in your soul
Never forget those who passed on
Keep your family precious and spouse revered
Hold grandchildren dear to your heart
May your wishes turn into goals to attain
With God’s strength work toward that end
My you follow the light of the Spirit in your heart
Walk with God as you would your closest friend
Trust that all things will work out for your good
Be thankful for all of your blessings of life
May you live every day as the “Word made flesh”
May you be a light and a beacon to all
Happy New Year 2018

Dwight L. Roth