
All creatures great and small need connections

Birds seek each other’s company

finding joy and strength together

People too need connections to thrive

This past year has been a challenge

struggling to find new ways to connect

that won’t make us sick or kill us


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Merril asked us to think about this pass year and write a poem about connections. All through this Covid-19 time the birds have stayed connected, while we all have stayed apart. We really miss our connections.

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Knockout Punch

Free Graphics:

Like shadow boxers in the ring

we dance around // keeping our distance;

Dodging that blow that will knock us out.

Fearful of the unknown we dance…

Avoiding each other // getting out of their way

Everyone is suspect…

even though we think they’re clean.

No more hugging…

although we’ve been friends for years.

We skirt the outside edges…

keeping everyone at arm’s length.

We know the championship is on the line;

getting to wear the Belt of Life one more time.

Round and round we go // into the eighteenth round;

Staying on our feet // trying not to hit the ground;

Steering clear // longing for the bell to ding…

Hoping to get out of this ring …alive!

Good to the Last Drop


I found this bumble bee on my zinnias yesterday. He was working intensely gathering nectar from the flowers as he moved from one to the next. I had to ask my self, “How many drops of nectar does it take to make a bumble bee?!
Beautiful bumble bee
Oblivious to his surroundings
Draws nectar from each little yellow flower
Doesn’t realize he is part of an ecosystem
Simply wants to stay alive
Gathering and shedding pollen as he eats
Continuing the food cycle from year to year
Sweet nectar brings life
Good to the last drop



iPhone Photos: Dwight L. Roth