Good Friends are Hard to Find


Twelve years ago, we moved to the Charlotte area to be closer to my son and his family. We both had just fully retired. Downsizing was a challenge as we went through our years of collecting and saving.  The question became, “Why would we save this?” The trash bags filled and got dumped. We had two yard sales and got rid of many household items as well as tools and wood I had collected. There are very few if any of the items we sold that I now miss.

I was working for my friend, Bunky, managing his siding warehouse. When moving day came, he personally came and brought his siding crew of workers to help us load the 27ft U-haul Van. He was in his mid-seventies at that time, but he got in the back of the truck where he packed and stacked all the stuff we were taking with us. By lunchtime we were loaded and ready to hit the road. Friends like that are hard to find.

We arrived in Charlotte late in the afternoon. A friend of my son coached a teen soccer team. He came and brought his guys, and they helped us unload the truck. By the end of the day we were moved in and ready for a rest.

Winter transitions

tell you which friends will show up

helping make your day


Today, at deverse, Frank Tassone gave us the job of writing a Moving Haibun. I have heard that moving is second only to divorce in the amount of stress it creates.

Join us at:


The three amigos

Music makes the blind man see again

“This sunny April afternoon” made me think of Danny

He loved music and singing in the choir

Being blind did not affect his singing voice

His harmony came through loud and clear

Diabetes took its toll on his health, but not his voice

At age seventy-four he wanted to learn the guitar

A big challenge for me to help him

Getting fingers in position.. on the right strings

Playing chords came in time as we met each week

I could feel the music flowing through Danny

We spent a great year playing and singing together

Although it seemed like his “life in a bottle” was dark

his imagination and memory were sharp and clear

Then came Covid-19… isolation separated us

Health issues took Danny from us only a year ago

We all miss him greatly

Music made the blind man see again

Teaching guitar to Danny and David (2)

Photos: Vera Payne

Posting for Punam’s poetry prompt, Music, on d’Verse Poets Pub. We were to include two of the song titles from a Linda Perry record album that she shared with us.  My quotes are in dark print.

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Intangible virtual reality surrounds us

All at the click of a key or tap of a thumb

We do it all on a miniature screen in seconds


What ever happened to newspapers you could hold

while having your morning coffee

and later use it in your cat’s litterbox


I still have my record collection but no player

Looking at those album covers I can still hear the music

Even cds are disappearing in front of our eyes

But then again, we have a playlist on our phone


Our social life seems to be on a screen as well

Three hundred friends on Facebook that we never see

 come across our screen… algorithms filter them out

And then the few that do show up might get three seconds

of our time as we scroll through looking for the unique

post that might grab us or repulse

Clicking likes or even loves along with emojis seems

to suffice as we race through looking for the next mind tickle


We don’t talk any more, we text or message people even when

we could click the number and talk to them in person

go figure

I guess the next generation will have a collection of cell phones

since it is the only thing tangible that they will have left

and all memories will be lost since they are no longer supported.


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Who Comes to a Funeral?

Flowers in a Vase

This week we buried my sister. It was a beautiful blue-sky day as we gathered to honor her memory. As I looked across the gathering, I was impressed with the large number of people who made the effort to come to her funeral.

During her lifetime she and her husband had many varied experiences, from teaching English in the Congo and in the West Bank of Israel in the 1960’s to teaching ESL classes in Lancaster County Pennsylvania for many years. During that time, she made many lifelong friends, many of whom attended this occasion.

She had a way of making heart connections that drew others to her. She showed interest in their interests and encouraged them in their pursuits. Meaningful connections are what create bonds that last a lifetime and bring friends and family together to say goodbye. The bond of Love is stronger than life or death and will always be remembered.

Connections draw us

Building lifelong bonds of love

Sad blue-sky farewell


Traveling from far and near

We remember shared mem’ries


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

No U-turns

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On the road today, we are traveling to meet old friends. This is our first vacation since Covid started. As we traveled North to Ohio, the mountains in West Virginia were gorgeous.  but when we crossed the Ohio River, the clouds were spectacular. At my age, getting together with old friends is so important. Better to do it now rather than waiting for a memorial service in the future.

Life moves on

Seasons keep changing

No U-turns

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, guest host Xenia Tran asked us to write a Haibun about a special September moment. Today was a gorgeous Fall Day to be traveling.

Join us at:

Finding Success

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Success comes from within

Not from what we have

or the car we drive

or the house we live in

or the trophies we have won

Success is getting up when you fall

Believing you can continue on

Knowing who you are

And what you can do

Success is loving and being loved

Knowing the value of family

The importance of friends

And that children are an extension of you

Success is giving $15 worth of work

On a job that pays only $10 an hour

Success is treating others with respect

even when you are mistreated

Success is standing up for justice

For those who are being oppressed

Success comes from within

From the core of your being

Success is who you believe you are

and being all you can be

Success is loving God and those around you

being willing to serve others for the good of all


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting on d’Verse Open Link night:

Goodby Dear Friend

Vera's Painting

Today my good friend Danny passed away. It was very sad to get the news. He is the same age as me but suffered from health issues that shortened his life. He had diabetes that was difficult to control. Several weeks ago, he had to have part of his lower leg amputated from lack of circulation. In addition to that he was blind.

Back in 2019 his wife asked if I would try to teach him some chords on the guitar, so I worked with him along with his neighbor David who wanted to learn as well. David picked up playing very quickly, but for Danny it was a little slower. I was able to teach him how to hold chord positions, but he never quite mastered changing from one chord to another. We decided to have him play the home chord while David and I played the changes. He did well on keeping rhythm with us, so we sang and played together twice a week for the year before Covid. He loved playing with us and looked forward to our weekly get togethers. He favorite song was one his father in Barbados loved, Just a Little Talk with Jesus! Since Covid we have not been able to play together as his health continued to decline.

Goodby my dear friend

May you sing with the angels

and talk with Jesus

Danny David and Dwight

Danny Dwight and David 2

Danny Dwight and David

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Friends Who Enrich Our Lives

Bunky and Celia's Shack

Friends Who Enrich Our Lives

As I look back on my life, I recall individuals who have enriched my life just by who they were and how they treated me and others. There are so many I could name in every stage of my life. My friend Bunky was one of those people.

Bunky ran a siding business and in 2005 I started working for him as the warehouse manager. I knew nothing about siding, but I did understand the building trade and was somewhat proficient on the computer. I came in and had a couple of hours orientation and started work the next day. He was very patient with me and helped me learn the details of the business. I worked there for six years.

Bunky was not just a boss, he was a friend. I sat in his office many times listening to his life experiences. He had so many great stories to tell. We became great friends during that time. Sadly, he died in 2017 in a fall at his mountain cabin. He will always be in that memory bank of friends.

Our friendship ran deep

Sharing life’s experiences

He died way too soon

Today at d’Verse, Frank asked us to choose something or someone we are thankful for in our life. I chose to write about my good friend Bunky Reges who was full of life and laughter. He came from “the old school” as they say. He was strongly opinionated but very likable to those who knew him well.

My Haiku at the end is a Senryu. I hope this will still pass for a Haibun.

Join us at:

Photo: Dinner with Bunky and Celia at the mountain Shack! – Dwight L. Roth

Tattoos on my Heart

Tattoo heart

Some I’ve passed in life’s journey

left tattoos inked upon my heart;

Indelible piercings still remain

even though we are far apart…

Marking memories of times gone by

never to be removed, no matter how I try.

Good and bad // I remember them well

along with all the back-stories they tell.

Joy and pain have left their mark…

images tattooed upon my heart.

Some I hide and wish they were gone;

Others shine brightly like a dearly loved song.

All are foundation stones right from the start…

signatures of love engraved on my heart.


Tattoo from bing images

Connected or Disconnected

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Today I was feeling disconnected, so I thought I would write my feelings about it. My good friend Bob, moved back to New York, in 2018, to be closer to his family. He loved to talk and came by often when I was painting in my garage. He would sit and talk as we would solve the world’s problems while I painted.  Since he moved, I have not found anyone like him to connect with and it has been a lonely time for me. I am most grateful for all my wonderful blogger friends, but it is not quite the same.  

Feelings run deep

through the labyrinths of my mind

expressed in many subtle ways

as time moves on.

Emotions flow

like calm bayou waters…

over many tangled roots.

Finding connection with people

becomes a disillusioning task

in this age

of three-second attention spans

and busy schedules.

Friends who will take time

to sit and listen

are hard to come by.

Most acquaintances

are ‘hi and bye’ friends

with few shared interests.

Even family

is hard to connect with

amid work and school activities…

A smile and a hug

a shared meal or visit

between smart phone checks…

all on the run it seems.

Perhaps my interests

are just that…

my interests

while others have moved on.

Does anyone really care

what happens

how it happens

or what I think?

In our crowded

disconnected world

we live in seconds

not hours.

Who sits

and talks for an hour,

let alone minutes any more?

Perhaps we need more

front porch swings to sit on

with neighbors

who know each other…

people whom we can share

long conversations with

about the meaning

of life, love, and happiness.


we should spend real time

with our loved ones now

before it is too late.


Photo: Dwight L. Roth