Lincoln’s Legacy

IMG_0092 Cracker Barrel

During our travels last Fall, we stopped at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant for lunch. On the wall was a giant portrait photo of President Abraham Lincoln. I thought it was interesting, so I snapped a photo of it. Today as I was looking through my photos, I noticed the person of color sitting right in line with the direction Lincoln was looking. It struck me that without Lincoln taking a stand against the evils of slavery, this would not be possible.

The price of Freedom

Tough choices Lincoln would make

Opinion or Truth


Because of Lincoln

People of every color

Can eat together

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Shadows of Sadness

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Spring sun shines brightly

Skies blue and cottony over head

Yet, shadows of sadness surround me


Life’s journey brought me here

Overcoming through ups and downs

Yet, shadows of sadness surround me


So quickly our good life gets disrupted

Many hide as tanks roll and bombs explode

As shadows of sadness surround them


As men take a stand and mothers flee

Innocent people die daily from blind destruction

And, shadows of sadness surround me


Power corrupts and divides us

Greed and Evil are Siamese twins

Yet, hope rises in the sadness that surrounds us


People with hope believe in their cause

Willing to die rather than loose their freedom

And, hope for their children empowers them…


In spite of the sad shadows that surround us all


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

I am sharing this tonight on the d’Verse poets open link night.

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Sand… or Gold?

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Truth will set you free…

Sales-pitches creates blinders

Like panning for gold

One must wash away the sand

To find small nuggets of Truth


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Lillian gave us several proverbs and adages to choose from to write a poem. I chose “The truth will set you free… from John 8:32.

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Running Free

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I did this painting was for a friend of mine who gave it to her sister for Christmas in 2020. Little did we dream in 2019 that being out and running free would take on a whole new meaning in 2020. When Covid-19 arrived we all began to feel the restriction of freedom as lockdowns occurred all over the world. Many of us stayed at home and only dreamed of getting out and running free once again. We realized how important it is to be able to run free with our family and friends.

Freedom restricted

Running free holds new meaning

When life is at stake

Painting: Dwight L. Roth


Liberty’s Passion

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The sight of Lady Liberty standing in New York Harbor

stirs passion in the hearts of those seeking freedom

A new life, new opportunities, escape from oppression

A welcoming symbol

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses

yearning to breathe free…”


The cross a symbol of freedom to Christians for 2000 years

Stirs passion in the hearts of believers seeking freedom

A new life of Faith, Hope, and Love

Turning their backs on their dark past, now walking in Light

God’s Grace welcomes all…

Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden,

and I will give you rest…”

Stamp Art: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Merril asked us to choose a historic symbol that is stamped with passion and write a poem of our choosing about it. I did this piece of stamp art a few years ago. When I did it I thought of the meaning of Freedom. One is a passion for physical freedom from oppression and religious freedom, the second, the freedom from the oppression within our souls. To me the similarities are amazing.

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Quotes from: Emma Lazarus poem on the Statue of Liberty and from the New Testament (Bible).

A Spirit of Fear


Fear creates anxiety

believing we are helpless

unable to control our future


Fear drives us to climb on board

riding the band wagon of distress

cheering as we careen toward the cliff;

Just like Thelma and Louise


Fear preempts good judgment

listening to our insecurities

believing in hopelessness

instead of common sense


Fear grasps for that last straw

knowing it will not save us

while denying the inevitable


Fear is the method of control

for politicians, religious leaders, and jihad i terrorists

Dictators, Presidents, Kings, and Priests

Why do we choose a spirit of fear

when we could have…

“…a Spirit of power, of love, and of a strong mind” (NKJV)

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Curious Minds

Children are curious, you know

Until an adult tells them they are not to be

“Don’t touch that, you’ll get your hands dirty”

“I’ll tell you about that when you get older”

“It is not polite to ask such questions”

Curiosity silenced…

Lessons lost


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today is Quadrille Monday at d’Verse. De asked us to write a Quadrille (exactly 44 words) using the word curious.

Join us at


Remember the days

when vacations were fun

Time off work

and we were on the run

Traveling as far as

our imaginations could reach

To the mountains

ride the train

and fun times at the beach

Coming home exhausted

and ready for a rest

Back to work on Monday

Vacations were the best!

I took this photo in 1976, when one of my students, Sharon Ulrich, won the My America contest for the state of Virginia. It included a week long trip across the state of Pennsylvania, stopping to visit all the historic sites. It included her parents and her teacher (me) and winner representatives for each state. By the time we got to Lancaster County, to ride the Strasburg Railroad, many of the folks were worn out and needed a rest… as you can see in the photo!

What is Normal


Our free range playgrounds of childhood have died.

We no longer live connected, but rather side by side

We know each other by first name only

Some live isolated and feel quite lonely

Gone are the days of front porch swings

Where friends may gather as evening begins

And lovers sit swinging hand in hand

It was wonderful // Life was grand

Our doors never locked and curtains seldom pulled

Kids ran free and no threat while at school

Played in the woods // climbed trees without nets

Disappeared all day and played with their pets

And if we ever needed help from a friend

We knew who to call // that neighbor round the bend

Seems the new normal arrived long before Covid

As life had already changed  // no matter what we did

Photo: Dwight L. Roth


This poem came to me after reading Reena Sexons poem: