Expectations or Anticipation 2024


Entering the new year with great expectations

Yet knowing they are fragile shimmering bubbles

Blown from our minds… floating in front of our eyes

Some large… some small… rainbow colors of hope

One by one they pop leaving tears of residue

dripping on our well laid plans


All expectations should come with a disclaimer

reminding us that our perceptions cannot be projected

making others conform to our wishes

Circumstances, values, and baggage all come into play

often leaving our expectations shuffled like a deck of cards

Losing the magic when we cannot find the Ace of Hearts


Perhaps we should enter the new year with anticipation

looking forward to the positive things that will happen

Living with expectation, but knowing our thinking may

need to be adjusted and reconsidered as each day

Plans can change at a moment’s notice as we live

and work through this experience we call life

Anticipate that everything can be worked out

with a little work and in due time


bing photo

Quicksand of Expectations

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Naturally, we view relationships through our own eyes

taking in all that we enjoy // perceiving what will be

Yet, as relationship expectations grow, the delusion increases

Wishful thinking, full of wants and needs draws us

to assumptions of crashing cataracts… leaving us dashed…

often broken on the rocks of unfulfilled expectations…

as life roars on around us // carrying away our dreams


Co-dependence is a quicksand of mutual expectations

turning a loving relationship into sinking turmoil

sucked under by our own needs and desires

to a point of suffocation


Photo: Dwight L. Roth





We are at a crossroad of the mind

Not of dirt and gravel // asphalt or cement

Rather, a crossroad of thinking…

One that permeates our being.

Elections are not about the man or woman

They are about a mindset

A way of thinking that affects attitudes and actions.

It is so easy to get lost in the superficial

Age, gender, personality, party, or politics;

But it is much deeper than that…

Elections are crossroads of the mind;

Forever changing the landscape of thinking;

Changes that cannot be reversed only adjusted.

Elections often come with lies and broken promises;

Expectations that repeatedly remain unfulfilled

Leaving us disillusioned at the next crossroad.

Remember, you are not choosing a person

You are choosing a mindset for the future.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

He’s Gone!

Inhaling smoke from your flame

Burning in the heat of the moment

You were warned, you were told

Did you listen? No!

Now you will burn

Like flash paper in a magician’s hand

Combustible feelings up in smoke

That mind-blowing moment gone

Your all-consuming desire

Not quite what you expected

Leaving ashes for memories

Dust in the wind

He’s gone!

Painting: Dwight L. Roth

Expectations and Faith


After seventy-two years of observing the way Faith and Expectation works, I have come to the conclusion that we put way more expectations on our faith than the writers of our scriptures ever intended. The following is something I have been mulling around in my mind for a couple of years. This is the best way I can express what I personally have experienced. You may see it differently and that is OK. To me faith is simple and easy to understand. Many have made it complicated and demanding, filled with unrealistic expectations.

I’ve prayed but had no answers;
Believed in miracles // still waited my turn;
Had faith to move mountains
but the mountains remained;
Read the promises of comfort in times of trouble…
Believed I would find peace in the storm;
Yet saw only blackness and overwhelming sorrow.
Believed Jesus would carry me when I could not go on;
Instead, fell flat on my face crying to God for help.
Discovered there is a time for everything under heaven;
Everything in due season // sometimes sooner // sometimes later.
So, when you pray don’t expect expected answers;
You will usually wait for things to take their course.
Don’t lay on God expectations beyond what might happen;
Leave the miracles for the unexpected occasion.
Don’t let your faith become a denial of reality;
Most illnesses take their course // healing may or may not come;
Most troubles will blow over in due time with scars to show;
And yes, you will feel scared to death through it all.
So, hang on for a wild ride on this roller coaster we call life;
And, if in the end we are blessed with a loving caring family
and friends //consider them a blessing from God.
They will sustain us and walk with us
through the valley of the shadow of death.
If not, we will endure to the end…
When our spirit rises to rejoin our creator.

It is interesting to me how different most prayers are from this example Jesus gave his disciples!

Matthew 6:9 –
9 “This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one…

NIV – Gateway Bible.com

Photo: Dwight L. Roth



Some don’t fit the norm

Expectations run deep;

Thinking all should look exactly the same

Full of petals // one upon another

But what of the ones who don’t fit that form

With petals fragile and few // spread open wide

Some mutations occur without warning

Does it make them of less value or less beauty?

No // beauty doesn’t come in just one size and shape

Uniqueness brings a beauty all its own



Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Rising Above the Grind

All is Lost - Painting

Rising above the Grind

You can be crushed battered by the waves

Or ride the surf for the thrill of your life

One must rise above to be free

Move beyond expectations

A resurrection of sorts

A new life of purpose

Beyond a crashing surf

Grinding you into a lifeless mass of sand

Freeing one’s self

Repositioning your life

Riding the swell

Carried by the crest

Letting it work for you

Not pound you into the sand

Free to be in control

Moving beyond the negative

Riding your wave of life

To vision and destiny

Winslow Homer - Bringing in the Catch.JPG

Paintings: All is Lost : Dwight L. Roth

Winslow Homer Restoration – The Herring Net : Dwight L. Roth



“An entertainer gives people what they wanted… an artist give people what they didn’t know they wanted!”  Josh Groban


Which poem that I wrote

…stopped you in your tracks

…made you think

of what’s long forgotten

…challenged preconceived notions

or stretched your perspective?


What do you look for

when you read my poetry?

Are you left hanging…

Or pleasantly surprised?


My goal in writing poetry

is to write in such a way

that you will not

have to read it again…

And // you will not be able

to forget what you read


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Shared with d’Verse Poetry Pub for open link night.   https://dversepoets.com

The quote from Josh Grobin  came from his interview with Dan Rather on The Big Interview at AXS TV.

Dry Spells


Reverse Poetry is something I never heard of before Frank introduced it on d’Verse. It is when you take a set of lines your wrote for a poem and then turn them around and write them all backwards with perhaps with a few minor adjustments. The introductory lines of this poem were barrowed from  a cousin on Facebook. I asked her if I could use them to create a poem. I wrote this yesterday.  When Frank asked us to write a reverse poem,  I realized I could turn it around and make it work. So here is my very first reverse poem.

Dry Spell
“Sometimes, dry periods
may endure
beyond your expectations.
Other times,
it might seem
like the rain will never end.”
The cycle of life
With ups and downs
Times for questioning
Times for success
Times to remember
Times to love
Somewhere in between
Is where living takes place
Living takes place
Somewhere in between
Times to love
Times to remember
Times for questioning
With ups and downs.
The cycle of life…
Like the like rain // never ends.
It might seem
beyond your expectations.
May you endure…
Dry spells last sometimes


Photos from my dry, cracking back yard

Quoted FB lines from cousin Rosalyn and

the Washington Post’s Capitol Weather Gang!

Come join us at d’Verse:  https://dversepoets.com