Words Like Water…


Words like water either enrich and give life or erode and destroy

Enriching words affirm, inspire, reassure, and show love

Thoughtless words sting, hurt, divide, and traumatize

Children like clay are malleable, treasures yet to be formed

Words shape the pot into its final design and words become the glaze

Some become masterpieces with a beautiful glaze that shapes their lives

Others become Raku* treasures with a rough tough crackle glaze shaped by life

Whether children or adults let your words be uplifting and encouraging

Let words be like water giving life and refreshment to all you meet

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Today I read Jan Beek’s beautiful blog post reminding us how important words are in our personal relationships. I decided to carry on the message particularly in how we raise our children. What we say stays with them for the rest of their lives.

Check out her blog:



* https://rakupottery.ca/pit-firing/


How would you describe your words. Are they building and encouraging or do the cut and tear people down.  At this time of the year it is important to build relationships and avoid the critical and judgmental attitudes. Have a great family time. Focus on the positive.

Some like Legos building
Foundations tight and strong
Holding us together
Whatever comes along
Built to last almost any assault

See the source image

Some like Dominos
Where the least little thing
Sets them off ranting and raving
Running on till they destroy
all that had been set up before


Photos: bing images