Blossoms to Beans

I am sad to see the beautiful purple hyacinth blossoms falling as the bees and humming bird suck out the last bit of nectar. Pollen has been passed around freely by all, and the cool breath of Fall is creeping in behind shortened days. In place of the blossoms purple seed pods emerge carrying on new life from season to season.

Bean blossoms preserved

Hidden within purple seeds

Fall is here once more

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Flight of the Bumblebee

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This morning I saw that the bumblebees were enjoying my mint tea that has gone to seed. Like many other things, when summer comes it grows flower tops and makes seeds.  I was planning to cut it back in hopes of getting more fresh green stalks, but I put it off and now it is food for the bumblebees!
Bumblebees flitting
Mint flowers’ summer blossoms
Drinking Sweet Mint Tea

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Click and enjoy the music…

Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Remembering a Life

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Today we planted a flowering pear tree in the back yard to remember Ruth’s father. Some dear friends gave us money awhile ago to make the purchase. With spring in the air and temps in the high sixties, it seemed like a good day for this project. We are looking forward to seeing it bloom each spring and thinking of Dad.  It will be a great addition to our yard.

A day to reflect
Memories of dad will blossom
With the warmth of Spring


Photo: Dwight L. Roth