Ollie the Possum Passing Through


This morning as I was sitting on the chair by my little stream, I thought I caught a movement in the water further down. When I looked closer, it was full-grown possum who had wandered up through the drainage tile for a drink in a little pool of water. I was shaded by all the leaves around, so it did not see that I was there.

I slowly got my iPhone out and snapped a couple photos as it climbed up the bank and moved toward the thicket just beyond. The possum did not give any indication that that it saw me, so I switched to video mode and got about fifteen seconds of moving footage as it moved on and disappeared.

Nature’s Visitor

Stops by for a nice cold drink

Ignores meΒ 


May has closed inΒ 

Shade for the long hot summer

Sad to see temps climb


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Frank asked us to do a haibun that expresses the essence of awareness of the shortness of time as May draws to an end.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Look on my instagram page to see him in action.

64 thoughts on “Ollie the Possum Passing Through

  1. GREAT photos! So fun to see nature’s creatures who usually are on the sly. Yep – we finally had a beautiful day of spring today and tomorrow it’s supposed to be 85!! Summer just jumps right in!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You named your possoom, which makes your haiku moment even more personal.

    Enjoyed your haibun Dwight and your photos

    Thanks for droppibg by my blog. Here in TrinidadπŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ή we have only 2 climatic seasons: The Dry Season and The Rainy Season. It is hot even in the Rainy Season


    Liked by 1 person

  3. A further comment from me on Ollie. I realised that I couln’t place “possum” in my rusty frame of animal classification so I researched via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opossum.

    My retreat guest and I have spent a jolly time this morning (in Scotland) fitting in some marsupial biology into our scant knowledge and learning the intricacies of the habits, diet and anatomy of your visitor.

    Thank you Dwight for the educational prompting that in turn emerged (like Ollie) from Frank’s haibun prompt at dVerse


  4. Pingback: Ollie the Possum PassingΒ Through – Site Title

  5. This resonates for me, we have a possum or two, normally shy. I enjoyed how you tell of the surprise and the transition of departure in this gift of a moment.


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