Spring’s Perfection (haiku)

Yellow iris bud

Yellow iris bud

Spring’s perfection // standing tall

against green cedars


A candle glowing

Waiting for tomorrow’s  warmth

Nature’s flame will shine



Photos taken this evening: Dwight L. Roth

Posting for open link night’s mini prompt, Green, at d’Verse Poets Pub

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

70 thoughts on “Spring’s Perfection (haiku)

  1. Pingback: Spring’s Perfection (haiku) | Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News

  2. Those irises are so gorgeous and glowing with colour, Dwight, which is reflected in your haiku. I love the yellow iris bud against green cedars. We are still waiting for the wild irises in our village to bloom.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I too have enjoyed candle glow the last few days; a bit of cheer against the backdrop of clouds and rain. But, as promised, today nature’s flame is shining bright, and it’s the grass, leaves, and flowers that are glowing. You can see why your second haiku drew me in! Thank you, Dwight, for expressing so beautifully what many of us experience throughout the spring.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Nancy for your kind words. Spring is popping out everywhere it seems. It is great to see those buds and leaves open up. I appreciate your thoughtful comments.


  4. Pingback: Spring’s Perfection (haiku) – QuietMomentsWithGod

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