White Iris Blooming ( a ghazal poem)


“Why was I not born mysterious?” – Pablo Neruda’s Book of Questions

Today in warming sunlight’s call, while walking in my garden

I found you there mid green and purple, a pure white iris blooming


A welcome surprise standing straight and tall, your beauty’s glow astounding

Who would have thought in a bed of purple, a pure white iris blooming


My spirit lifted as I stooped down, to take a candid picture

Of a glorious sight that crept out in the night, a pure white iris blooming


Your petals soft angelic bright, set this old heart a racing

Like vintage wine before its time, a pure white iris blooming


I know your life will be short-lived, for only love’s eternal

But beauty came to me today, a pure white iris blooming


Photos today: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Laura asked us to write a Ghazal that included an epigraph from Pablo Nureda’s Book of Questions. I found this beautiful white iris today. It was gorgeous and my inspiration for my poem.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

102 thoughts on “White Iris Blooming ( a ghazal poem)

  1. What a terrific (and possibly fragrant!) surprise to inspire your beautiful poem. Looks like you have a well-established community of irises along this side of your home. Hurrah that they are all blooming!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I had a few ideas for the ‘mysterious’ quote but never expected to see it used in connection with flowers in this way. I don’t usually dig on flower/flowery poetry but yours worked really well.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. The beautiful white iris definitely inspired you, Dwight! One of your best poems, I think.

    I can’t believe you have irises up already, but I’m ok with our daffodils just starting to bloom. I hope they hang around for a while.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. A lovely surprise to behold, if only fleeting. Certainly stands out and apart, and gives pause for wonder. At least, it also draws attention to the others. Ah, such are the joys of gardening. And much like stately irises, your poem also delights. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  5. What a beautiful introduction, for me, to the Ghazal ! You make it seem so effortless. And that white iris ‘sport’ is a magnificent mutant… I have to admit to finding irises most delightful in bud, all silky smooth and slender. So it was good to see the purples also!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: White Iris Blooming ( a ghazal poem) – QuietMomentsWithGod

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