Winter Reflections


It seems that winter is a time for contemplating what is happening in my life. Each year adds new challenges to my life making me wonder sometimes what will be next. I find that it is better to make that a passing thought rather than dwell on what’s to come. We can’t change it anyway, so I believe it is better to take things one day at a time and deal with things as they arise.

In this gray, leafless wintertime of life

when reflection dominates my thinking

age blankets memory snowy, cold, twinkling

covering over old pain, hurt, and strife,

Forgetting past, and sometimes the present,

I contemplate future things to come.

Will old age smile on the end of my run?

Can I peacefully pass on contented?

Life goes on, independent of us,

New changes come, without my consent.

All I can do is watch, and make a fuss;

But, if I have no choice in what’s to come,

why should I worry or fret with resentment?

To stay or leave does not really matter.

It’s making the most of each day that counts.

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting for d’Verse Poets Pub open link night

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71 thoughts on “Winter Reflections

  1. Cold here in UK but the light of the sun lengthens every day. Nearly Imbolc aka Candlemas aka St Brighid’s Day.

    Snowdrops emerging, a few more birds singing. Saw a Waxwing, with a jaunty little crest/cockade on his head, today!

    May you keep enjoying what each day brings, Dwight. Thank you for your writings πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh yes Dwight, it is indeed making the most of each day. As we think about living in our years, and now season of winter, we are facing some unexpected highs and lows, but as you noted, why should we worry about it. I concur wholeheartedly my friend. Continue to live your best life, no matter what! πŸ₯°πŸ₯‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–πŸ₯³

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your poem inextricably links winter and a time of reflection. As one who appreciates that time of interiority your poem made me realize why I miss living in Colorado so much. It gave me ample time each year to dream before awakening in the spring.


  4. Dwight, you have hit the nail on the head with this poem and the β€˜gray, leafless wintertime of life’. It is strange to think that β€˜life goes on, independent of us’, but I agree, It’s making the most of each day that counts.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I appreciate the notion of not worrying or fretting, about things out of our control. I think winter often beckons self-reflection and can invite these un-answerable thoughts because we are often, due to the cold, indoors and meant to huddle in leisure, but we all have duties and obligations, so it is like we are sleepwalking, but wide awake.

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