Red-Sky Evening


Ship sits anchored on mirrored lagoon

Not a breath of air to caress the sails

hanging limp

waiting for the November sun

to take its final curtain call

as Venice goes early to bed

and sailors drink a toast

to a red-sky night


Painting by Edward William Cook – 1859

Ekphrastic poetry prompt from Merril at d’Verse Poets Pub.

Join us at:

Fall Warmth

Pear Tree

Fall Warmth

The pear tree glows warm in the sunlight

with a mixture of yellow and rusty burnt umber.

It was first to put out flowers and green leaves,

Now, it is last to let leaves weep and stand naked

as cold winter shivers around it.


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Lisa asked us to write a 44 word Quadrille that includes the word Warm or Warmth. I was admiring the colors in the small pear tree today that I planted a few years ago, in honor of my wife’s father who passed away. It was glowing in the late sunlight and a warm Fall day.

Join us at:

Light in the Darkness

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Reach for the Light

Trees reach for the light

Following the sun

As it reclines on the edge of the world

Knowing that without light

There is no life

In a world filled with darkness

My soul rises toward the light

Evil presses in to overwhelm me

Terrors of darkness distract

Let your spirit rise with mine

Reach for the (sun)/son

An example for everyone to follow

Source of Light and Life

Always shining never hiding

Spirit touching spirit

Reflecting the Light of God’s Love

My escape

From the eternal darkness around me

The Rockerfeller Christmas Owl

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A couple of years ago, I saw on the news that a little Saw-whet Owl got trapped in the Rockerfeller Christmas tree and was transported to New York City. The workers found him in the tree when they got ready to set it up at Rockerfeller Center. I thought it was a great story and decided to write a children’s book. Since many of you are from all over the world, I am offering a free copy of the book to you in e-form on a printable pdf. file. You are welcome to use it for your personal use or for classroom use if you are a teacher.  It is about twenty pages long. Below are a few of the pages for you to see. 

If you would like a free pdf. file, email me at: and request one. (Some of you may have gotten this from an earlier post)

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US and everyone around the world!

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Story and illustrations by: Dwight L. Roth       (c) 11-2020 all rights reserved.

Ink Blots


Words better left unspoken

stain the mind with permanent

indelible ink

Remembered // played on repeat

over and over and over again

You can push the pause button

but you can never erase

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Shared Spirits

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In 2019 we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary by taking a once in a lifetime cruse up the Rhine River. It was a memorable trip that we will treasure forever.  When we arrived back on the ship after touring the Cologne Cathedral, we found our curtains decorated with red hearts and a bottle of sparkling wine left in honor of our anniversary. We decided to take it along to dinner on our last night on the ship and share it with some friends we learned to know.

Fifty Years 

Spirits shared with friends

Several lifetimes of memories

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Punam asked us to write a poem about the way alcohol and spirits are used to celebrate.

Join us at:

Empty Chairs

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The large hotel across the street from ours had a beautiful patio filled with white tables and chairs. It appeared to be an ideal place for a wedding reception. When we visited Mackinac Island the end of September, the weather was clear and sunny, but the crisp morning air let us know Fall was already here. Although we saw two different wedding parties, none of them chose to have an outdoor reception. It was two weeks away from the shutdown that takes place over the winter with many of the local businesses.

Guests stay warm inside

Cold white tables sit empty

Waiting for snowfall

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

Haibun Monday at d’Verse Poets Pub. Linda asked us to write a Haibun that references Autumn.

Join us at:

Better Than Gold

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This sign was left on my worktable where I volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity Restore. The sentiments on it are great, so I hung it up. I have always loved to tinker and fix things. Sometimes people roll their eyes when they see me collecting things that look like they have no use, but when they need something, they come asking and I usually have it. It gives me great pleasure to fix things that others would throw out!

Years of collecting

Pop’s Fix-it Shop is open

No money required


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Towers of Babel


How quickly time covers

structures once thought permanent

lost and forgotten

leaving them now crumbling

as nature swallows them up


Time and nature

having been here before us

will win in the end


As we foolishly

think our towers of babel

will be our answer



Photos: Dwight L. Roth