Losing Touch…

See the source image

This incident happened  several years ago when we were shopping at our Walmart. It is sad to see anyone loose touch with reality. But when you see someone in public who appears to be lost and disoriented, it is very sad.  I wrote this poem after seeing a man like this as we were checking out. It was a very emotional experience to see this.

Losing Touch …The Point of No Return

He was wondering across the checkout lanes
At the local Super Wal-Mart
With a look of concern on his face
As he looked across the carts
He was unaware of his condition.
His pants were soaked and soiled
His only concern was to find his wife…
And surely she would come through soon
As I watched him move from lane to lane
My heart went out to this man
Who seemed not to know the state he was in
But had only one plan
I asked him if I could be of help
He said he didn’t think so
She would be coming through very soon.
And he wandered on down the row
I went to find a manager
Who could help him find his wife
But when we returned he had vanished
He was nowhere in sight
I still think about the old man not much older than myself
And wonder if he found her
And what it must be like
Not to know who you are
I cried many tears as I recalled
The empty look, the lack of concern
Unaware of the condition he was in
And for the mind that had grown dim
I wonder if I too will reach
That point of no return
The place where my only concern will be
Just to find the one I love


Photo from Edge Images: cbsnews .com

63 thoughts on “Losing Touch…

  1. you captured this tragedy so well … the effect on the family is overwhelming … the person themselves only have flashes of insight in the first few years then they are AWOL.

    I often wonder if our play with words will keep the brain active enough to remain present …

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Heart breaking. I too had a similar experience with an older gentleman trying to get his glasses to go into the bank machine rather than a card. He was so disoriented. My husband and I ended up getting him to show us his ID and we drove him home – he had wandered off and his wife was frantic so ended ok but very sad. We just have to trust that most people like yourself are good and kind and will help others in need but heart breaking none the less. Very moving blog.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A heart-felt and moving poem Dwight, it is so sad to see this and we see this here too. Disoriented men looking for a wife who passed away years ago or looking for a dog or cat who’s long gone. Thankfully in our small community we all watch out for one another and we walk each other home.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How sad, Dwight. I’m afraid I’ve been seeing more and more of these ‘lost’ souls and my mother was one of them. He was so lucky that you were there to help him – so many people would just look away and walk on by.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This touched my heart, and recalled to memory seeing the calendar hanging on the wall in my mother’s kitchen in her late years of Alzheimer’s on which she had written “This is today”, her attempt to stay in touch with reality. It broke my heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Heartfelt and heartbreaking, Dwight. It could also happen to me some day in the not to distant future. What’s heartening is that love never dies. You express this so well in your closing lines: “I wonder if I too will reach / That point of no return / The place where my only concern will be / Just to find the one I love”.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Oh my Dwight, that just put tears in my eyes. So gentle in your portrayal of this poor souls plight – but your love and concern shone through. I hope he did find his wife. As you wrote here Dwight, there but for good fortune, go you and I, and any of us. Every 90 days, when I go to my endocrinologis, she gives me a ten minute session to evaluate my memory, focused primarily on short term memory. Being a brittle disbetic for over 20 years, and being 72, my chances of developing dimensia are greater each year. I hope not, and I hope not for you my friend! My memory can be scattered at times, doing things like having my keys in my han 5 minutes ago, then not knowing where they are. But so far I test OK. If you are concernef, and you aren’t doing so – I recommend you get your doc to do a little test with you from time to time. Couldn’t hurt. Peace Dwight!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Rob for your kind words and for sharing your comment. So far so good for me. I have had bad short term memory all my life, so no one will know when I really get there! (<:


  8. And as we celebrate easter for those who we stand together in the faith of the gospel, let our hearts get to the point of no return, where our only concern shall be in finding the peace of he who loves us, and let us not pay any homage to our troubles nor our dissapointments nor our failures,.

    Liked by 2 people

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