Which Dwight?

Dwight Roth age one - Masontown,PA 001

I am of the Baby Boomer generation, born after the end of WWII. The doctor came to our house and delivered me on a Sunday morning. My father, who was a pastor, went on to church and preached his morning sermon, even though his wife was in labor. I waited to come into the world until he got back home. As a result, Sunday dinner was a little late. Being the son of a preacher and his wife, my parents named me, Dwight, after a great preacher of the day, Dwight L. Moody.

Which Dwight?

When I was born to my parents delight
With great excitement they named me Dwight
Flemish in origin for blond or white
I don’t think that thought ever came to light
There was a much higher reason for my name
Given for someone of religious fame
Great Chicago revival preacher’s name
The renowned Dwight L. Moody
You can imagine my mother’s consternation
When visitors came to see the new addition
Saying, “Oh, you named him after the General!”
Dwight D. Eisenhower  “Of Course!”


Photo from the Family Album

Amaya at d’Verse asked us to write about the origin of our name. Names hold meaning and significance in our lives and were not just picked at random.

Come join us at:  https://dversepoets.com

49 thoughts on “Which Dwight?

  1. …and yet they could’ve picked Billie (or Billy) …or Charles (not for whom I’m named). So many possibilities. I’m certain they picked the perfect one… General! 🙂


    • Ha Ha! Especially since I have no blond hair, or hair for that matter! Our family doctor delivered all of us at home except for my younger brother who came along ten year later. What a surprise!!


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