
What has touched your heart through the years that you will always remember? I thought perhaps I would not repost this poem this year, since I had done so in previous years. But then our poetry challenge for today at d’Verse~Poetry Pub was to use the word Grace. I could not think of a better poem to express Grace than this one, so here it is once more.

Christmas Grace

What do you want for Christmas she asked?

A chemistry set would be a real blast

When Christmas came, this angel of grace

Was at our door with every gift in place


We were just poor preacher’s kids, our die was cast

Waiting for Christmas was always a great task

But we knew our selected gift of choice

Would make us shout from the top of our voice


What do you want for Christmas this year?

She would get it no need to fear

Just a hammer of my very own

Would make my day when you come to my home


Money was scarce and gifts were few

But, at our house we always knew

That no matter what the circumstance

There was no worry, uncertainty, or chance


What do you want for Christmas this time?

A Louisville slugger would suit me just fine

Then I could be like Henry and Donn

A bat of my own yes, that’s the one


Ruth and Edgar were one of a kind

No children of their own they did not mind

Bringing smiles and joy to their preacher’s kids

And that helmet they brought me surely did


What do you want for Christmas, she asked?

She never let a Christmas pass

Every year until I left home

My gift of choice would become my own


I will never forget that act of grace

And the joy and smiles she brought to my face

I learned of God’s love and his saving grace

And his only son Jesus who took my place


And now each Christmas I hear that voice

“What do you want for Christmas, it is your choice?”

There is nothing I need that will bring me more joy

Than the gift of God’s Grace to a little boy


Written as a tribute to Ruth and Edgar Honsaker,

who helped make our Christmases a little brighter


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25 thoughts on “Grace

  1. A great grace poem. I got to handle a few Louisville Sluggers in my time… never owned one. Don’t remember what I had. Those people were a blessing to more than just you kids. It’s nice when someone keeps the suffering of a pastor’s family down to a dull roar.


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