Superman’s Sister

Micah adopted superman

Superman was adopted, so the story goes;
From a land far away he came to our world.
A loving family raised him to be a fine young man
To fight evil and oppression wherever he can.
Little brother was adopted from a far away land;
Brought home to be loved // he’s a fine young man.
With magical superpowers all his own;
He plays with his sisters // now feels right at home.
Who knows what kind of superhero he’ll become?
Shocking us all with his meteoric wonder,
We’ll call him Nimbus full of lightning and thunder.
He has a sister who loves him and thinks he’s special;
Loves being partner to his imaginary wonder.
Sweet and lovable he loves to be with her…
How lucky for her to be superman’s sister.
~Dwight L. Roth~

As you can see below, my granddaughter is working on her Girl Scout Gold Award. She has started a web page and is doing a series of comic strips on the theme Superman’s Sister. Please make our day and check it out… and follow if you like. Thank you.

Superman’s Sister
January 26 ·
Hi, my name is Molly, and my family did adopt a superhero! My brother Micah came home from Korea is 2012, and our experience helped inspire “Superman’s Sister,” my Girl Scout Gold Award project. My original comic strip debuted in March, but in the meantime, please stay tuned for ways to get involved!

Molly and Micah

Click on the link below to visit her Facebook page and read her comic strips:

Or her website at:

Photos: Jason Roth

Shared on d’Verse poets open link night. Join us at:

Ode To My Son

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What ever happened
to that carefree little boy;
Who loved life
and all that it entails;
Pretending to be Superman…
Wearing his red jacket for a cape;
Jumping off the steps pretending to fly?
Now a man…
with a son of his own;
Perhaps a little less carefree…
But, still with imagination
and sense of humor;
Caring and helpful
a great dad
Any daughter or son would love
No matter what life throws at us…
We must never lose our sense of wonder;
Our carefree joy of life and love;
Always imagining we will be
More than we can ever be
B& W Photo: Dwight L. Roth