Flawless Beauty


Beauty on Beauty
There you were in the middle of my shot
Resting on a petal sunning yourself
Surfing all that beauty
Drowning in light
Reflecting every minute detail
Flawless yet simple
An engineering work of infinitesimal design
A gift from the creator of all wonders
The image of excellence
Beauty on beauty

Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Snakes on a Log


Snakes sunning on log

Enjoy summer’s heat // and frogs

Fresh out of pea soup


Photo Dwight L. Roth

With the onset of summer heat before spring is over, Frank Tassone asked us to write a Haikai poem eluding to summer heat. These snakes sunning themselves reminds me that there are some who love summer time heat!

Join us at: https://frankjtassone.com/2019/06/01/haikai-challenge-88-6-1-19-summer-like-natsumeku-haiku-senryu-haibun-tanka-haiga-renga/