Ode to Childhood


Oh, for the days when I was running free

Barefoot all summer along the stream

Catching tadpoles and climbing trees

Back when I was young and green


Not a care in the world I ran with the breeze

Green poison ivy nipping at my heals

Only to scratch clear up to my knees

Rubbing calamine lotion to help it heal


When I was ten and he was nine

We played all summer long

In a woods full of sunken coal mines

A place where young boys belonged


But those days of wonder are now just dreams

Remembering when I was young and green


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting for Dora’s d’Verse prompt of young and green, referring to our childhood years.

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Running Free

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I did this painting was for a friend of mine who gave it to her sister for Christmas in 2020. Little did we dream in 2019 that being out and running free would take on a whole new meaning in 2020. When Covid-19 arrived we all began to feel the restriction of freedom as lockdowns occurred all over the world. Many of us stayed at home and only dreamed of getting out and running free once again. We realized how important it is to be able to run free with our family and friends.

Freedom restricted

Running free holds new meaning

When life is at stake

Painting: Dwight L. Roth