Ollie the Possum Passing Through


This morning as I was sitting on the chair by my little stream, I thought I caught a movement in the water further down. When I looked closer, it was full-grown possum who had wandered up through the drainage tile for a drink in a little pool of water. I was shaded by all the leaves around, so it did not see that I was there.

I slowly got my iPhone out and snapped a couple photos as it climbed up the bank and moved toward the thicket just beyond. The possum did not give any indication that that it saw me, so I switched to video mode and got about fifteen seconds of moving footage as it moved on and disappeared.

Nature’s Visitor

Stops by for a nice cold drink

Ignores me 


May has closed in 

Shade for the long hot summer

Sad to see temps climb


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Frank asked us to do a haibun that expresses the essence of awareness of the shortness of time as May draws to an end.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Look on my instagram page to see him in action.