Matter & Consciousness


Running barefoot in the stream of consciousness
I bang my toes on all sorts of matter
It got me to thinking
“What came first… matter or consciousness?”
Solids, liquids, gasses,
or the conscious presence of the Spirit
When it comes to you and me
it seems pretty easy to decide;
Consciousness enters at conception
and departs at death…
dust to dust and ashes to ashes
and the spirit goes back
to God who gave it.
All we are is inert matter without consciousness
Just dust and bones
Life/living is a stream of consciousness
Amazing how fast our matter turns back to dust
without the flow of the Spirit within us.
When it comes to the universe
consciousness seems to be the guide
behind all that happens to matter.
Patterns, organization, gravity, magnetism
Keeping everything in sync;
Consciousness before life…
consciousness during life…
consciousness after life…
We are all part of the flow
of the spirit of the universe

Photo: Dwight Roth

The Intersection of Infinity


Caught at the intersection of infinity
Earth’s conception began
“Without form and void”
Matter brought forth // our Earth is formed
At the intersection of infinity
Time as we know it began ticking
Capturing eternity in a fragile snow globe
Still being shaken from time to time
At intersection of infinity we appeared
Formed, created, or evolved we are here
Birthed by an intercourse in time
Just as every living thing that followed
Was born…

At the intersection of infinity… Love was born!

Art work: Mark Garlick   –  Angel Messages ~ Penetrate Polarity    –

Amaya at d’Verse asked us to look at birth as our prompt and write a poem incorporating some aspect of the word. I have been mulling this one around for a while and this seemed to be a good time to put it in words.

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The Making of Me

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Not sugar and spice;
Sometimes not even so nice;
Flesh and blood I am…
a body that will not last.
Just like the junk we buy…
I too am disposable.
Dust to dust and ashes to ashes
has me covered from beginning to end.
Maybe the evolutionists got it wrong?
We all came from dust and ashes;
Water just facilitates our staying alive.
God must have had fun
making mud pies…
Ending up with me!
What we can’t explain
Is that elusive Spirit
living part time
in my dust and ashes;
Quietly slipping back to its origins
As this body reaches its end…
The image of God // the soul-spirit
lives on… returning to the
handler of dust and ashes


Photo taken at the Muttart Conservatory in Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Amaya, at d’Verse, talked about the different views of the origins of matter and of you and me. Essential elements and forms of matter have been recognized by different people, cultures and religions all the way through the centuries. People looked at the stars and developed astrological explanations of matter.  Instead of looking at the astrological aspects, I decided to go straight to the heart of matter… Me!

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