Good Friends are Hard to Find


Twelve years ago, we moved to the Charlotte area to be closer to my son and his family. We both had just fully retired. Downsizing was a challenge as we went through our years of collecting and saving.  The question became, “Why would we save this?” The trash bags filled and got dumped. We had two yard sales and got rid of many household items as well as tools and wood I had collected. There are very few if any of the items we sold that I now miss.

I was working for my friend, Bunky, managing his siding warehouse. When moving day came, he personally came and brought his siding crew of workers to help us load the 27ft U-haul Van. He was in his mid-seventies at that time, but he got in the back of the truck where he packed and stacked all the stuff we were taking with us. By lunchtime we were loaded and ready to hit the road. Friends like that are hard to find.

We arrived in Charlotte late in the afternoon. A friend of my son coached a teen soccer team. He came and brought his guys, and they helped us unload the truck. By the end of the day we were moved in and ready for a rest.

Winter transitions

tell you which friends will show up

helping make your day


Today, at deverse, Frank Tassone gave us the job of writing a Moving Haibun. I have heard that moving is second only to divorce in the amount of stress it creates.

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