
Tomato in my garden (2)

Springtime smiling green
Tomatoes heavy on the vine
Shining in the sun
Swollen flesh pumped full
Rainwater fills every space
Face tanned by the sun
Chameleon turns
Green to blushing red cheeks
Smiling in the sun
Seduction draws me
Sinking my teeth in your flesh
Juice drips off my chin

My tomato photo taken this morning: Dwight L. Roth

Today at d’Verse, Frank Tassone discussed the Imaginism style of writing poetry, where the subject is described with detailed imagery.  He asked us to write in Free Verse or a series of Haiku. I love writing Haiku so I chose that format.

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Taste This

Fall Tomatoes
As days grow shorter and hot weather cools
A few light rains help revive struggling tomatoes
Amazing what a little extra water can do
A few cool days allows blooms to form tomatoes
Now, those old vines that seemed half dead
Are putting out new growth climbing the wire
Ripe Fall tomatoes are a nice treat
Can’t wait to slice and bite into them
Now that days are shortening and I am growing old
A resurgence of energy surges forth in the form of poetry
Amazing what a little encouragement can do
Blogging seems to bring out the best inspiration in me
Sharing my experiences and photos with all of you
Followers from all over the world are climbing each week
New poems continue to flow like ripe juicy tomatoes
To be shared with those who dare to bite into them
Tasting the inspiration // passing on feelings and ideas

Today at d”Verse, we are looking at waiting and anticipation. Nothing peaks my anticipation like seeing the green tomatoes getting bigger and bigger as they turned rosy red orange. Waiting for them to ripen is wonderful anticipation.

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Fall tomatoes 2