What Are We Thinking? (an opinion piece)

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We humans think we have it all under control

An answer for anything and everything

We think we are entitled and God is on our side

Atrocities abound as we seek to fulfill our greed

Everyone thinks their cause is a righteous one


Perhaps we should stop and reassess our place


We build houses and towns on the beach

and then worry and cry out about Climate Change

as hurricanes blow and ocean rise as floods come up higher


We build our houses and towns in the tinder dry forests

Where forest fires sweep through leaving only ashes

and we cry about weather and Climate Change


We cram ourselves into big cities packed like sardines

dying like flies when pandemics come through

As landscapes turn into buildings, asphalt, and concrete


We clear-cut land and turn farm land into developments

We strip the Amazon basin of trees which help the earth breathe

Then ravage the land seeking minerals and gold


We wonder why the climate is warming and seas are rising

We have world conferences on Climate Change and reducing emissions

We cry about cars giving of carbon and cows passing methane gas


What we don’t seem to realize is WE don’t control much of anything

Nature is the one in charge here… and will do as she wills

Yes. we can do better and slow down our toxicities across the planet

but nature has the final say and will do as she pleases.


What we seldom hear mentioned in the midst of our outcries

is the need for Population Control.

Global warming makes little difference if populations keep growing

Famines, pandamics, wars, and devestation are waiting

if we don’t start talking about Population control


Mask mandates are nothing compared to a population control mandates

China tried it with some very undesirable results ;

But, this planet can only hold so many people before things break loose

So, my thinking is we need to have a global conference on Population Control

Not a popular political platform;

Nonetheless, Mother Nature will eventually do it for us

as she keep the planet in balance… and when that happens

Covid will look like a birthday party…

as we who living here try to figure out if We can survive

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Photos: Dwight L. Roth

The Sleeping Giant



A Sleeping Giant

Lies breathing between continents

In and out its chest rises and falls

A Shrek of a  guy most of the time

Children and adults float

Bouncing on his crest

Squealing with delight

On bubbles of air

But beware

Of the Ides of October

When tossing and turning

Nightmares return

Thrashing coughing

Scaring all who once played on his chest

Fear and trepidation

Waters rise

Winds howl

Floods come up

Big Blow AKA Matthew

Brings Halloween early

All Tricks

No Treats

Wide awake

Nightmare passes

Giant sleeps once more

Fans have nowhere to lay their heads


Painting by Dwight L. Roth