Ode to Childhood


Oh, for the days when I was running free

Barefoot all summer along the stream

Catching tadpoles and climbing trees

Back when I was young and green


Not a care in the world I ran with the breeze

Green poison ivy nipping at my heals

Only to scratch clear up to my knees

Rubbing calamine lotion to help it heal


When I was ten and he was nine

We played all summer long

In a woods full of sunken coal mines

A place where young boys belonged


But those days of wonder are now just dreams

Remembering when I was young and green


Photo: Dwight L. Roth

Posting for Dora’s d’Verse prompt of young and green, referring to our childhood years.

Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Young Love

Remember the days of young love

Excitement knowing no bounds

Charged thrill of being together

Your smile

Your skin soft to the touch

Fingers like an artist

Gently gliding like brushes filled with love

Filling my canvas with life and color

Remember the days of young love and laughter

Of waves crashing over us

Carrying us to shore

Resting only for a moment in the sand

Wading out to ride the next crest

Hoping this will be the big one

Now it’s time for the younger ones

Filled with the zest of life

To repeat the cycle of love that knows no bounds

Always looking for the next big wave

Painting their canvas with the color of Love

Photo; Dwight L. Roth

I am posting this on d’Verse open link night. Join us at: https://dversepoets.com

Ode To My Son

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What ever happened
to that carefree little boy;
Who loved life
and all that it entails;
Pretending to be Superman…
Wearing his red jacket for a cape;
Jumping off the steps pretending to fly?
Now a man…
with a son of his own;
Perhaps a little less carefree…
But, still with imagination
and sense of humor;
Caring and helpful
a great dad
Any daughter or son would love
No matter what life throws at us…
We must never lose our sense of wonder;
Our carefree joy of life and love;
Always imagining we will be
More than we can ever be
B& W Photo: Dwight L. Roth